How to kill chick please asap!!

Agree decapitation is the best way to go. Ringing it's neck does not always work properly. You can have an animal alive still after it. From my experience in research, we never allowed to use cervical dislocation unless it was necessary. Otherwise it was considered inhumane.

Scissors will cut through a bullfrog head. chicks is going to far softer.
I decided my scissors weren't sharp enough to try them.. I gave a quick sharp pull head came off easily :hit
RIP little chickie
Thank you all for replies.
Unfortunately I didn't have sharp scissors or a blade I could chop head off with so hope little chickie didn't suffer with the millisecond of my hand pulling.. better then leaving it to continue to suffer all night long or many hours longer with me force feeding it only enough to survive one more hour.

..If there's a next time, is it best I have sharp scissors on hand for little chickies? I'll use whatever method is the least suffering for the chicken.
Please tell me how to kill my sick chickie humanely ASAP! 3 weeks old.
I have tried cocci meds, hand feeding etc for days and chickie has gone downhill and I need to end it's suffering now.
I canā€™t even begin to be in your place... I have not put down a bird but my husband has...he did not want to do it but he did it for the me and the rest of the flock. Be humane and do what has to be hurts but you are not that invested...if you had that girl for 4 years it would be much harder...I am sorry for your loss
Thank you all for replies.
Unfortunately I didn't have sharp scissors or a blade I could chop head off with so hope little chickie didn't suffer with the millisecond of my hand pulling.. better then leaving it to continue to suffer all night long or many hours longer with me force feeding it only enough to survive one more hour.

..If there's a next time, is it best I have sharp scissors on hand for little chickies? I'll use whatever method is the least suffering for the chicken.

You did incredibly well. Any method that separates the spinal cord quickly, when done fast enough, is so fast that the signals from the body don't even have time to reach the brain before it's already dying. Extremely fast and pretty much painless.

Most people prefer heavy kitchen scissors or garden shears, and for a chick that age or younger any scissors sharp enough to go through cardboard will work. It's much less brutal feeling for the person doing it, but I want you to know that what you did is just as good if not better. You have more control with scissors and it's much more aesthetically appealing and minimally slower so it's unlikely to have had an impact either way. But if I had to pick which one is going to be technically better and more reliable for the chick it's the way you did it. Truth be told all things weighed I think they're equally good deaths unlikely to cause much if any pain.

You can keep a pair of sharp, heavy kitchen shears on hand for it next time if you prefer. if it makes it easier on you that's the better way to do it - user comfort translates to the animal too. But if you're comfortable with what you did you can do it again and that's TOTALLY OK.

I'm sorry you had to go through that but good on you for taking responsibility.

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