How to limit roosters' crows? Any ideas??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 17, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Hi all
I recently acquired two Cornish x meat chicks who have grown very fast and are now two boisterous 6 week old cockerels.
these little guys are wonderful pets and I'd love to keep them but our neighbours aren't going to like them crowing...any ideas on how to limit crowing?
Hi all
I recently acquired two Cornish x meat chicks who have grown very fast and are now two boisterous 6 week old cockerels.
these little guys are wonderful pets and I'd love to keep them but our neighbours aren't going to like them crowing...any ideas on how to limit crowing?

I'd love to know this too, my daughter has a roo easter egger and isn't going to let it go....
I don't think there is a humane way @Tyaloria
I've been told caponizing a rooster can sometimes stop crowing
You could try a rooster collar, or crow collar. There have been some threads started and they have been testing them out, some with good results(no crowing, or very little noise) and some it doesn't work at all. I'd check out those threads, it's worth a shot! :)
I'd love to wake up to their crows but unfortunately in suburban sydney we aren't allowed...I was given two Roos that I was told were hens so now I just have to work around it
Is moving to the county an option? ;)
You can move here, us swamp yankees don't mind roosters.
Seriously, i wish you the best in finding a solution, part of the joys of suburban life. Close to work I bet though. I commute 1.5 hour both ways to work. That's the price I pay to have my roos.
Aren't CornishX meat chicks? Don't they get to a certain age and cannot walk because they grow too heavy? If that is the case, the problem should fix itself in a certain amount of time.

Good luck. I enjoy the crowing myself. Get your neighbors ear plugs? Sorry, no help here.
Yes they are but hopefully with room to run and forage at our place and controlled feed portions we can keep them healthy and happy.
I love a roo crowing of a morning too nothing like the boys ringing in a new day
just got to convince the neighbours now
Yes they are but hopefully with room to run and forage at our place and controlled feed portions we can keep them healthy and happy.
I love a roo crowing of a morning too nothing like the boys ringing in a new day
just got to convince the neighbours now
I don't at all mind it either. I can barely hear my rooster in my bedroom, he is more annoying if i am in the living room though. I just hope that my neighbors will not report him - roosters were banned AFTER I bought my house in one of the few cities in my area that allows them.

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