How to make Powdered Eggs


10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Salt Lake Valley
I've often wondered about storing eggs long term.
I've hear about freezing and oiling them to make them last, but I never knew how to powder them.
I ran across this on the internet. Has anyone ever tried to powder their eggs?

Scramble your eggs in a bowl. Pour them in a sauté pan and cook until done.

Drain the excess grease for a few minutes on a paper towel.

Break the eggs into tiny pieces.

Spread the eggs out onto a baking sheet.

Dry at 135° F for at least 10 hours.

Run the eggs through a blender until they form a fine powder.

Store your powdered eggs either in a heavy plastic bag, or a jar with a tight lid.
Reconstitute with hot water? Wonder how that would work....... you go first!
BTW, ofically, I can't stand powdered eggs.

But, I wonder if they'd be any better if they start off fresh?

Also, my oven won't go down to 135º - some safety feature starts it at 170º.
Any suggestions other than leaving the door part way open (for 10 hours?!)


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