How To Potty Train Your Chicken

Lots of folks lost all common sense in this world. Can you imagine how much human energy and effort is waisted to potty train a chicken in 2 years?

One can obtain a college degree with perhaps less time and effort.

I keep poultry for meat and eggs, get enjoyment along the way also.

I keep a dog a cat a canary and cockatiel as my pets.

Is this normal? LOL

LOL yeah that's normal you can rest assured you aren't in the same nut house as the house chicken group. I keep a little yipper dog for the DW but it tells you it wants to go outside. One of those house chicken friends of mine ask me the other day why I don't visit as often to look over her chickens and talk birds, I flat out told her, your house smells like chicken Sh*t and I have a problem with that. She blew it off and will probably get some big ole Tom turkey's next, I wonder if she ask's her other friends why they don't come over either because they are all saying how bad it is.

The thing is these people never think there is a problem............. go figure.


Hey ! I live in Beverly Hills, If more people ( other people than me ) had chickens, This kind of stuff would be considered NORMAL

now if u excuse me, Im going to go put my dog in a baby stroller and take her to the mall

I bring my chickens inside if it is extremely hot, storming, etc. They have a better quality of life than most poultry or livestock, and I think they appreciate that. I have two big parrot cages and will let them stay inside every once in a while. They get way more attention this way, and get to associate with my other animals which makes the dogs protective over them and everyone well rounded.

I dont think a chicken is much different than a cat or guinea pig. In China, people eat cats and keep them as pets too. A chicken is a ton more fun than a dang guinea pig! I have one chicken that is truly my pet. He wears a diaper when inside and I let him roam around or snuggle with me while on the computer. When I first got him, he sat in my lap on the car ride home, snuggled in my neck and took naps, definitely was a pet from the beginning.

I may be off my rocker, but I also care for my animals more than I do myself sometimes. Sure chickens are not normal pets, but dogs and cats were wild once too!
I bring my chickens inside if it is extremely hot, storming, etc. They have a better quality of life than most poultry or livestock, and I think they appreciate that. I have two big parrot cages and will let them stay inside every once in a while. They get way more attention this way, and get to associate with my other animals which makes the dogs protective over them and everyone well rounded.

I dont think a chicken is much different than a cat or guinea pig. In China, people eat cats and keep them as pets too. A chicken is a ton more fun than a dang guinea pig! I have one chicken that is truly my pet. He wears a diaper when inside and I let him roam around or snuggle with me while on the computer. When I first got him, he sat in my lap on the car ride home, snuggled in my neck and took naps, definitely was a pet from the beginning.

I may be off my rocker, but I also care for my animals more than I do myself sometimes. Sure chickens are not normal pets, but dogs and cats were wild once too!

That is exactly what I meant! When it is extremely hot or storming, some coops just aren't enough! If you buy chickens, you gotta take care of them the right way! It has also been proved that chickens can be pets, not just livestock or something....
To each his own. Different strokes. All those cliches. Just because you wouldn't think of doing something, thinking it's crazy, doesn't mean someone else shouldn't try it in their own way for their own reasons. Tolerance.

Personally, I like my chickens outside in their own coop and pen. However, on occasion one may need to reside in the house due to illness, injury, or because the weather requires it.

I have a large dog kennel set up in the garage for the "guest". Every couple of hours, I haul the chicken out of its kennel and perch it on the window shelf where I have a newspaper. Without ever needing to resort to formal training, the bird always obliges, in short order, with a nice deposit. Then maybe a treat, and back into the kennel. It's been my experience they almost never poop in the kennel as long as I give them a potty break every couple of hours.

Sometimes I like to bring inside, one at a time, hens who have demonstrated an affinity for cuddling. We have a short session of one-on-one time in my lap, then back to chicken world they go.

But that's just me. My house smells fine. Like to keep it that way.
This method is to keep a chicken if its sick, too hot, too cold, stroming (etc.) Its not too keep it like a dog (it can be used to do that though). I made this method because it was too hot for my chicken (I only have one right now) to be in the coop OR stay outside one day. It loves to cuddle so I bring it in once in a while for an hour or so to cuddle, whenever it has to go poop it goes up to the newspapers and does it. Then I throw away the newspaper and Febreze the place.
Absolutely! It's what I was saying - people should always do or try things that they think will work best for them and their circumstances!

Being judgmental because someone has tried (successfully, I might add) something new and unusual, isn't constructive, but narrow-minded. I think your clicker method has tremendous merit, and I may give it a try over winter when I have more time to devote to it.
Personally, I think that gamebirds are still pets. Just not the kind that would be best in a home. It's possible, but why break your back about it when you can just have a cage outside? Or maybe get a button quail in a cage and put it inside if you really want. To the OP, kudos for figuring it out. There are other pets intended for indoors *dog behind me winks*.

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