How to prevent frostbite?

For those in the north who apply Vaseline when temps get into single digits, how often do you apply it? Daily? Every other day? Weekly?

Many of my chickens have the little pea combs, but I have one leghorn rooster who has touches of frostbite on the tips of his comb already. :(
I don't know if this has already been talked about, but Vaseline really helps preventing frost bite. This is better if one bird is having trouble. Chickens don't really like Vaseline rubbed on their combs (mine don't at least). I would definitely not want to do this for a whole flock, but it does work!
I feel TERRIBLE. My first time with chickens and my beautiful roo has a frost bitten comb. Put a bulb in the coop tonight, hopefully that will help. I need one of those humidity and temp monitors.
I know. This is my first winter too. I just want to bring them in and tuck them in bed with me to be all snuggly warm. Don't think that's a good idea though.

I know this is going to sound silly, but do NOT put a bulb in the coop with your chickens. However if it is just a regular light for their egg production, that is o.k. Putting a heat light in there will make them used to that temp, and then, after a while, even that temp will become cold, so naturally if this happens, they can't endure snow very well of other cold nights. They will all huddle under the light every night and they could still become cold. Just using Bag Balm or Vaseline on the skin showing, should do the trick.
Hope this helps!!
I use a thermostat for my heat light. With temps that regularly go below freezing I feel its necessary. A friend of mine lost her whole flock in one night. Her coop was inside of a barn (so a building in a building) and they all froze in place on their roost. Some of us feed it's a necessity and some don't. I wouldn't judge either side.
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I can understand your views on staying away from a heat lamp, I just think in some cases it may be needed. I probably would have agreed more before I heard the story of my friend losing her entire flock the same night.

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