How to sex a Chick

I was wondering how can you sex a chick. i heard that if you pick them up by the skin on the back of there neck that a female will bring the legs up to her body and a male will leave his leggs hanging down is that true and is there an other why of sexing a chick. if you know an other way to sex a chick please help me thanks :)
picking them up by the neck whont work are eany thang like that will never work it is 0% sucesfull
Sure. It will help if you watch the video to get a visual. The chick has to be a day or two old. When you extend the wing, you will see a short row and a longer row of pin feathers = female. You will only see one row of short pin feather, all even = male. I have used this method for several years and it has proven accurate. Good Luck!
Just watched your video on sexing chicks, it was great! It was so helpful and easy. I just sexed my 13 newly hatched chicks. Thanks for the great information.
If it were that easy, the hatcheries wouldn't need to hire professional vent sexers.

Picking them up by the scruff of the neck will result in roughly 50% accuracy. You might as well flip a coin and save the chicks the stress.

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