How to Tell a Fertile vs INfertile Egg (Pictures)

On the topic of fertile vs. non, I have looked this upany times and can not seem to find any information so any help would be appreciated.
Will the shell color ever appear different in color if it mates vs. If it doesn't?
So simply put, would a hen who has never been around roo lay the same color eggs as she would if she was with a roo and mating?
I've noticed that the shell color will darken if the egg stays in the repro tract longer than usual.
Gotta watch where the glare is....and there's always a glare.
I use macro mode and definitely have to steady the arms or elbows on something solid.
Auto-focus cameras can be a bear too.
...and squeeeeeze the shutter button don't jerk it, like firing a gun.
Gotta watch where the glare is....and there's always a glare.
I use macro mode and definitely have to steady the arms or elbows on something solid.
Auto-focus cameras can be a bear too.
...and squeeeeeze the shutter button don't jerk it, like firing a gun.
I tried setting it to marco and holding it as steady as possible, and then I thought about tryingto take the pictures outside in natural light, and this is what I got:

So maybe a little better?

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