How to tell ducklings gender?

Agree with @Texag87 , you're lucky if they even have them separated out by breed! Usually it's just one tank full of ducklings, all different breeds and gender.
Still a good way to go though, I would prefer people who know what they're getting into buy them all instead of all the families that come through just wanting a cute duckling!
In about 3 months Craigslist will be full of free ducks 😒😔
Most of the time farm-store ducklings are sold as "straight-run" - meaning unsexed.
The truth is that most buyers order female ducklings at the hatcheries, so they sort out all the girls that have been mail-ordered and "throw" the rest into that "straight-run" bin.
The duck/drake ration should be 50:50, but in fact in farm stores you will more likely get a 20:80 ratio. Some hatcheries literally send their "trash" to the farm-stores. 😢
Agree with @Texag87 , you're lucky if they even have them separated out by breed! Usually it's just one tank full of ducklings, all different breeds and gender.
Still a good way to go though, I would prefer people who know what they're getting into buy them all instead of all the families that come through just wanting a cute duckling!
In about 3 months Craigslist will be full of free ducks 😒😔
I will take them ALL! - I need more DUCKS! -> My Drake/Duck ratio is 1:2.5... Ok, Limpy is a nice guy, so maybe 1:2.8 but still 2-3 ducks short.
Last Sunday at the local Rural King: »Poppa make sure that the b*tch is somewhere else, wanna grab a duckling so that [kids-name] can hold it! … [kids-name]! Don't squeeze it! No!« :mad:
I had to walk away to avoid a brawl but alerted the »bitch« (whom i happen to know very well!) to what these people were doing. - Shortly after over the PA: "[Manager's Name] please to the life-poultry department!"

Some people!
That was a very rare moment where i was hoping for a really stinky duck-egg fart but could not deliver.

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