How to tell true ameraucana chicks W/ pics! SOLVED :)

They are ee's?? Man!! I got them from a local breeder. I saw all his hens and they looked like true ameraucana's. lol
ChooksChicks simply said it is a bit early yet. If you got them from a breeder, they still may be true ameraucanas. Most people get chipmunk striped chicks from a local feed store, labeled as ameraucanas, and they are actually EEs. Let your babies grow a bit, and give us some more pics. We will be better able to give you a definitive answer then
Sorry those are Easter Eggers.

LOADS of "breeders" are just misinformed people who get stock from hatcheries, such as EE's under false name, and sell them under the same false claim that hatcheries do.

The only Ameraucanas that look like that are silvers, but silvers are very rare and the one on the right in the third pick has improper coloration for a silver.

EE's however commonly come in the shown colors.
Thank you!
Thank you! Are ee's a friendly and well laying bird? I am already in love with my babies!

Out of allllll my birds, I have a splash EE hen (Big Bird) who is moulting right along with everyone else. She looks horrible. She's the only one laying an egg right now. Not the purebreds, not even the quail. Just Big Bird. She doesn't lay a green egg like most EEs. Her's are pink.

They are nice birds most times. Kind of depends on what they werew mixed with and the amount of time you spend with them.

Right now if you were to go on eBay, I'm sure the same breeder that always sells hatching eggs there, would have an auction going on. She advertises pure Ameraucanas, but they are clearly EEs and she even mentions the different colors of the eggs. Lots of angry customers have bought them and ended up with very hreen eggs. Oh and she also mentions they are the Easter Egg chickens. Her discriptions are the same as the ones hatcheries use and hatcheries don't sell AMs.

Some people are unknowing and others are just dishonest.
They look like EE's..what kind are they "supposed to be" what were you told? If you got them from a hatchery or feed store-they are no doubt 100% EE's
Thank you! Are ee's a friendly and well laying bird? I am already in love with my babies!

I have EEs and pure Wheaten Ameraucanas...both types lay well, both are very sweet and friendly...depending on how much time has been spent with them. I think you will be very happy with yours.

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