How to treat punctured foot with swelling (not an emergency)

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is one of the more controversial sources of wound antiseptics, mainly because its effectiveness in usage continues to be debated today. It’s also still one of the most commonly used solutions for wound irrigation and trying to rid fresh injuries of infection. However, more studies continue to accumulate indicating that hydrogen peroxide is not only ineffective when it comes to aiding overall wound healing stages, but can also slow down the entire process. The bubbling on the wound surface common when hydrogen peroxide is applied is believed by many to be caused by the solution attacking bacteria within the lesion, when in fact it’s also damaging your own cells in the process. Simply using a safer solution, such as saline, can provide moisture and help cleanse an injury without risk of cell damage.
Wow! I had no idea HP was harmful to developing cells. Though, I suppose something that can strip the color out of hair wouldn't be the smartest thing to put in a wound. I'll cease using peroxide. Thanks for the heads up.
Wow! I had no idea HP was harmful to developing cells. Though, I suppose something that can strip the color out of hair wouldn't be the smartest thing to put in a wound. I'll cease using peroxide. Thanks for the heads up.
Just following up on this thread...

The vet appointment went really well. Yeti and Pigeon were prescribed antibiotics and an anti-fungal/antibacterial ointment (silver sulfadiazine or something like that). Between the ointment and the antibiotics Yeti's foot is looking pretty good. It's scabbed over nicely and it seems ready to fall off. My question is should I let it leave it alone (letting it fall off) or should I help it along?

I have an email in to the vet, but was wondering what you all have done or not done.


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