how well do hoop coops hold up strong winds?


7 Years
May 17, 2012
Benzie, MI
We live on top of a hill, on the east edge of a field, and can get pretty strong sustained winds (20+mph) when storm systems blow up. There is also *always* a breeze in the spring and summer months. How well do the cattle panel hoop coops hold up to high winds, or just a steady breeze of 5-10mph? Does anyone have suggestions of good ways to anchor these to the ground using non-permanent installations?
I live on the edge of a field, at the top of a hill too.

I had a very small hoop-shaped greenhouse that just was battered all to pieces. It started to go airborne then settle repeatedly even though I had staked it sort of half-heartedly. I had to move it right next to the house to settle it down.

Whatever tarp you put on it will be ripped up unless something like canvas in my opinion.
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I built an 8x8 x 6' high cattle panel tunnel this fall, and it survived the tail end of Sandy just fine. I got it buttoned up just before the storm hit. It's framed in on end walls with combination storm windows for doors and ventilation on ends, which are raised up one foot up off ground for extra clearance with snow, 4 mil. poly cover with twine zig-zagged over top to keep poly from buffeting in the wind, cinder blocks over end runners at 4 corners, and screw-in anchors designed for securing a dog run (with steel cable attached to 4 corner runners) just for good measure. This one is for a green house, and can be moved with a bit of heave ho from me and hubby. I may build a second one to butt up to this one for a winter chicken run to attach to my yet to be built tractor for my yet to be chickens. BTW, the last time I checked, I had lettuce looking pretty good in this unheated tunnel in my zone 4 garden.

That is what I built early this year. It handled something like 12 hours of stupidly high winds. It also takes a truck to move around due to the bottom beams being 6x6 cedar.

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