How will this pullets turn out?


In the Brooder
May 18, 2016
I got some chicks this spring from a local hatcherie and all of the chicks I am very disappointed with. One in particular was supposed to be a black copper maran but obviously is not. She is all black with a pea comb, feathered legs and muffs. I am wondering if anyone can take a guess as to her breeding and how she might feather out/ egg color. Thanks!
Depending on skin and leg color, I would guess either Easter Egger or true Black Ameraucana. If EE, yellow skin, green legs, and either blue, green, pink, or brown eggs. If Ameraucana, white skin (not positive about the skin color, but pretty sure), slate legs, and blue eggs.


Ok she has slate legs and I believe white skin. The thing that's confusing me is the feathered legs. An americauna wouldn't have feathered legs, right? Could she be a maran/americauna mix? If so, would that make her an olive egger?
Thanks for the help. I think she is great and I'm glad I have her. I'm just really mad at the hatchery for selling her to me at BCM pricing! I'm expecting a refund for the price difference but my emails have been ignored.

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