Howmuch snow ya got?

Not to mention all the rain that happened a few days after the massive snow fall.

We've had hardly any snow so far this season.
Most thawed or got rained out.
Ground is hardly frozen so slushy underneath.
Just cold enough to lock up the 3-4" we've got now...
2 more inches tomorrow then I should be able to throw the driveway clear before the next thaw.
That’s exactly how it is here. The snow will melt during the day then freeze up at night leaving the run a soggy mess during the day. Even though I have half of it covered. If it doesn’t melt during the day it’s just a sheet of ice that everyone slips on. Next week the weather is supposed to stay in the mid 20s so I’m hoping no more melting. At least until spring.
I had forgotten about the rain until you mentioned it. But that was the reason I had to cover my run. All the rain made it a huge wet mess.
I learned long ago that nordic ski season is Xmas to V-Day.
Glad I can't ski anymore because the conditions have stunk for the past few years.
He would agree that the skiing conditions have stunk.

I don't dare let him see your pictures, @Alaskan. He keeps trying to talk me into moving to Alaska. Every time I say, "No, hell no, and FN hell no," when he mentions moving up there.

Lost a lot of what snow was left today. Rain tonight, and there should be almost nothing left of the shoveling piles in a day or two.
I know this is old, but I just gotta add, we got zero millimeters.I envy you guys who got sumthin that stuck!

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