Hows the weather today?


10 Years
Jun 20, 2009
Rigby, Idaho
Today, in Rigby, Idaho its a balmy 21 but it feels like 11 out there. glad the ponies have a thick coat of fur on! the chooks thought i was crazy when i opened the coop door this morning.. only very few have ventured outside.. only to venture right back in to their heated coop! tonite its supposed to get down to 9 degrees BRR!

whats the weather in your neighborhood?
Beautiful clear, crispy morning. Except the fact it's in the 20's and there is snow on the ground. I love mornings like this. That is mornings before the Salt Lake Valley air pollution sets back in.
Well, I hate to make you depressed but at the moment, 10:45am, it is sunny and 69.1 degrees. The chickies are out sun bathing and I have been cleaning one of our old pens to rebuild it so we can move the birds around. It is supposed to be 81 today. Florida in fall is great. It makes up for those 3 months of 95 degrees with 95% humidity. But I do miss the snow.

Well it's not too bad's kind of overcast and very cool. Hopefully we will have weather like we did yesterday....sunny and 68*.
Its sunny here today and supposed to be in the 40s. It feels brisk has that smell in the air that reminds me of Thanksgiving.

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