How's your Halloween?

I was supposed to be in Florida but plans were changed on me so I put up my decorations. Had lots of tricker treaters come by. They were lined up down my walkway and the street. Then a friend came over with her 4 kids and we had dinner and made margaritas.
Grandbaby came by in her so cute costume.

We had 3 trick-or-treaters before we turned off the light for the night.

Then we watched that "Strangers" movie.
We WOULD have had lots of trick-or-treaters (our neighborhood is overflowing with short people
) but we were at a trunk-or-treat at our church, then dropped by dh's co-worker's house. By that time, the kids were suger-loaded and cranky, so we went home and turned off the lights.

BEST HALLOWEEN TIP EVER!!! Go to Target the day after Halloween and STOCK UP. We spent under $40 and got all the really good chocolate stuff that we could eat in a year (and there are lots of us, and I'm a total chocoholic). We still have some from last year, and it's still good. You just have to know which ones last and which ones don't. (Taffys, Skittles, Tootsie roll things - all get HARD and yucky - don't store them)
I'm 10 years old. My bag got heavy, even though I live in a small town of 30 people. I now have like 60 snicker bars. I'm guessing it is going to last at least a month.:
wow the towns around here couldn't get together on a trick or treat date so thur, fri, and sat!!
I'm so tired , this was dd first year she LOVED it and

she rang three !! bottles at the ring toss at the fall fest and she three weeks from three everyone was shocked
i told the teachers, just wait she'll play ball for yall in a few years,
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I had a major flu virus for Halloween and kids marching to the door, the geese honking, the ducks quacking, the dogs answering the door and the annual Halloween party across the street was over for once before 3:30 am...that was a nice surprise!

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