Huge Egg?!

That poor hen! Do you see any of your girls limping around the yard saying "ouch! ouch! ouch!"?

i've gotten big ones like that from time to time. i like to save them to give to friends, since they are usually double yolkers.

As for egg collection. i try to collect every day, especially in hot weather. And i will put them straight into the fridge if it's especially warm. But when it's mild or cooler, i leave them in a basket on the sink. i've left eggs out for a couple weeks and they were fine.
If you search on this site you will find a TON of threads on this topic, but since I brought it up

Hens lay a protective coating on the egg called "Bloom" that keeps bacteria from getting into the egg. As long as you dont wash that coating off, they will last for several weeks on the counter at room temperature.

If you wash them, they need to go in the fridge right away. My hens dont sleep or poo in the nest boxes at all so the eggs are always clean (knock on wood) so I very rarely even wash them. However, some folks like to give them a wash right before using them.

I agree on the extra treats, and love that egg spiral thimajig. Photo, you either have really small hands or that is the BIGGEST egg I've ever seen.
I have huge hands! lmao...this eggs is so big!!!

Ahh i always wash my eggs after i collect them, because my RIR likes to sleep in the house sometimes and poop lol!
I have huge hands! lmao...this eggs is so big!!!

Ahh i always wash my eggs after i collect them, because my RIR likes to sleep in the house sometimes and poop lol!

LOL - poor girl she must have been frozen in place last night or the day before while that egg had to turn to be laid! My BR will stand like a statue with her mouth open when she has a double/triple yoker turn inside her, it worried me the first time she did it because I thought she had a stroke or something until she came out of it an hour later. I even picked her up and placed her back down, she moved a few steps and was frozen again so I said okay let's see what we get tomorrow and it was a huge egg like yours and was a double yoker!
She didnt move for like 45 minutes yesterday!! even when the dog walked by her (she usually chases the dog) it was so wierd, im glad you said that, now i know what happend!

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