I didnt check the weight but i could tell it weighed way more then the other also had a bunch of like ripples all over it
What's an egg-in-egg? Is it what it sounds like? I've never heard of that. I would have hated to lay that giant!
When our Rhode Island Reds first started laying we got huge eggs like that a lot. They were all double yolkers. As far as the ripples, they did that too! And now we get several that they do not put the brown coating on quite right. Makes it hard to close the lid on the egg crates when they are so huge, LOL.
We get double yolks from our leghorns at least once a month. These aren't 'normal' double yolk eggs. I've never had so many. They are HUGE.. I sure wish I had taken a picture now.. because the last one was certainly comparable to yours. Yours is the biggest one I've ever seen! Beautiful and strange! My birds are molting and I've been getting teeny tiny yolk-less eggs too. Pretty neat.

Hahaha! Loaf of bread it is!
Hi i had an egg laid by one of my lohmanns day before yesterday, weighs in at just over 5 ounces (uk) , hen did struggle a bit and came out of nest box and laid it in cool long grass.... rather her than me! i havent opened it yet and would post pic if i knew how too!
an egg in a egg is quite the phenominon

the basic theory to it i the egg comes down the shoot and before being layed seems to get pushed back up the track

in teh same time the other egg travels down the shoot and collides with the first egg and the yolk and albulem then gets formed around the first egg

and when time to lay the second egg the first egg is inside the second and gets layed

making it a egg in a egg

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