HUGE egg!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
Woodinville, WA
Wow! One of my black sex-links laid a huge egg! It's over 4 inches long and 6 1/4 inches around! Poor thing! My husband says we should mount it like a trophy trout ha ha. I know you can blow out the egg from within the shell, but I'm not sure how to do it. I'll see if I can figure out how to post a pic......


Okay, I just weighed it. I have a cheapo scale, and I think it's around 3 1/2 oz. Kinda hard to's between the 3 1/2 to 4 oz markings.....

Take a pen, or a straightened paperclip and make a small hole in the top. And then make a small hole in the bottom.

Stick the pin or straightened paper clip in and try and swish around the yolk.

Then you have to put your lips on one side of the shell and blow as HARD as you can!!! It takes a little bit and you've got to get the pressure up in the shell, but after a little while it comes out!
Thanks for the eggblowing advice! I'm not sure I have the lungs to blow this puppy out, but I'll give it a shot.

This chicken lays normal sized eggs and then every other week comes out with a wopper. This is the biggest one yet. Shes the biggest chicken and definitely the queen hen of the roost....

Does anyone know why she lays such huge eggs? Is it diet or genes or what?

I just gave someone else directions on how to do this they are if blowing out the egg is what you decide to do.

make a hole with a pin head on one end, by turning the pin like you would a screwdriver, and then when you've poked through all the way, do the same on the other end, then take the pin and gently "chisel" out a little more of the shell to make a bigger hole. Then slowly blow the egg out of the shell with your mouth on the end with the small hole.

keep a couple of things in mind:

Practice first on your smaller eggs so that you can hone your skills so as to lesson the chance of ruining your big egg.

Depending on if your big eggs shell is harder than a regular egg shell, you may try using an eyeglass screwdriver, or a jewlery screwdriver just in case the shell is much harder than what a pin can penetrate.

ETA that I was writing my post while Poulets De Cajun was.....I am really slow lol​
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