River bit down on her lip, drawing a small droplet of crimson as Trodaire was merely a black blur as he hurtled towards the boy and... His cow? And two girls perched upon the cow, riding it. Don't question it, just get the dog, River. Just get the stupid dog.
She lurched forward, stomping her foot on his dragging leash, and dropping to the ground face first as she bent over to grab it with her hand and he didn't notice, causing them both to go tumbling at the boy's feet. Oh... Well that was graceful, River. Thanks Trodaire. "I hate you." She growled at the dog, bring herself to her feet, bending down and grabbing her sunglasses that had fell off and returning them to her face before knocking dust off her pants, seemingly ignoring the boy in-front of her as she brought herself back together and return Trodaire's leash to it's rightful place in her hand before she finally turned her calm eyes to meet his.
"The dog is mine, I'm sorry for any problems he may have caused." She uttered coolly, trying to ignore her embarrassing crash at his feet and the droplet of blood welling on her lip.
Connor frowned as she snapped out her frustration at the disobedient dog. "No, no, it's fine." He would've helped her up, but the cold front that she'd forced between them had him relieved that he hadn't been so forward. He took a step back and began fussing with an edge of his shirt that had come untucked sometime in the past few chaotic moments.
The edge in the unfamiliar girl's manner had him uneasy, but he still wasn't about to let the exchange close without polite decency on his end. "Dogs will be dogs, right? Especially a young guy like him." Connor let an easy smile plaster across his face. "What's his name...and how 'bout yours?"
River was at a pause for words, watching the fuzzy haired boy closely as he fidgeted with his shirt, obliviously put off by her cold front, but still throwing in some awkwardly polite words, and earned himself an ever so slight sliver of respect from her.
Her fighter mind had already judged if he was the sort to win in a fight with her, and she was rather confident that she could take him.
"Ergh, yeah. That they will be." River finally piped up, trying to force a kind tone to her voice. "Oh, his name? Trodaire. It's Irish for fighter." She stated, allowing her stance to relax ever so slightly. "Name's River. You would be?"
"Last pup I had...well, I swear he still isn't trained all the way today." Now more relaxed with this whole interaction, Connor barked a laugh that probably would've sounded more normal coming from the dog. "Fits him." Mindlesly, he lowered the hand at his waist to reach for Trodaire, then thought better of it.
Knowing his luck, this Trodaire might just conform to his name even further when it came to being touched by strangers.
"Connor. Connor Clifton. You new around here or...homeschooled, maybe?" He snuck a few more discreet glances at the girl, still unable to quite place her face to any memorized past encounter.
Connor just trotted Clarabelle straight into a Sonic slot, ever the conventional thinker. "Yeah, um..." He stared at the illuminated menu dumbly, wondering if he was even hungry in the first place. This place seemed to be getting increasingly crowded with each passing moment, so he figured it'd be polite not to waste time. "Erm, Whitnay, you wanna go first?"

~Whitnay ordered a cheeseburger with no tomatoes and a sweet pretzel twist.
*Calls Dave*
"Do you want your cat ears back?"
"Why are you calling?"
"I want to know if you've made your mind up."
"I have."
"Who do you pick?"
"Neither of you."
"I don't love Nane. You keep annoying me. Plus you got me injured, you kiss me too much,and my parents won't approve."
"But i-"
*Hangs up*
Misty looked down at her tennis shoes then at the other's boots. In so many ways she felt that she couldn't fit in she missed the familiar city but she shook it off. I will fit in and I will learn to ride. She thought to herself.

"So, I brought some size 7 boots, and a helmet." Brooke said, handing them to Misty. "And this is Pippi, a good horse to ride!" Brooke brought the 15.2 Blue Roan Mare over to Misty, "Let her sniff your hand!"

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