Thank you
lets hope he makes it! Even if it was me that did that crack there was no blood but it was a round crack and was getting bigger and look liked it had been pushed from the inside . I've only got to lessons so I will be at home at like 3
Sounds like a pip to me!
Sounds good. When you get back home have a look at the malpositioned pip and check if the duckling's beak is clear so it can breathe. Then just leave it like that. I've had two ducklings pip in the wrong end of the egg and both managed to hatch without help from me. Remember: they take a long time to hatch, so don't fiddle with them and worry if they sit like that for a day or 2. Mine took around 3 days to complete the hatch from first sign of pip to finish and I had a bang-in-the-middle-of-the-egg pip that took 4 days with help.
My brother just phoned me and said there's still no hole for the duckling to breathe? Is it dead by now? :(
My brother was looking at a different egg!! Anther one is hatching! But it's the right way round it's hatching at the fat end ! Why are they hatching early?
Tell your brother to take a clean pair of tweezers and carefully remove a little bit of the shell where the duckling pipped and remove a little bit of the tough white membrane just below the shell. Not the clear inner membrane!!! That's where the blood vessels are. Make a little hole like this. It doesn't have to be this big, just big enough so he can see the duckling's beak:

I don't know if it has broken the membrane he was looking at the wrong egg and he won't pick up his phone it's turned off I'm on my way home now so I will do it then! Hope the duckling is ok :( do you think it's too late?
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I don't know. If it pipped through the shell it should be able to breathe, but go check and let me know how it's doing.
I'm panicking now ahhhh :( really hope I get there in time! I'm at the station waiting for my train its only a 12 minute ride !
Fingers crossed
I am not gonna lose this little guy! (Determined)

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