It cracked the shell and I could see the white membrane this morning and that happened all in 10 minutes so let's hope!! I will post update when I get home not a lot I can do at a train station :/
Anther one has chipped it's a the fatter end but is it under the air sac ?
I pulled back the white membrane but just got this?? What now!!? Should I leave it? The membrane was dry from being exposed to air ?
That looks normal. Can you see the duckling's beak?
No because there's a thinner whiter layer and a Red dot? I'm scared I will rare the inner membrane ?
I just heard one peeping ? I don't know which one? Should I take away that other white layer? :( panicking
Can you hear the duckling cheep? If you can hear it it is breathing and that is all it needs to do right now. How long has it been since it pipped? Think of it this way: Ducklings normally take 24 hours from internal to external pip, then another 24 hours before they start zipping the shell. So if the duckling pipped directly through the shell it skipped the internal pip stage and will need around 48 hours still to finish absorbing the yolk sac before it can hatch. It could be longer though, or sooner. But don't do anything further for the next 24 hours at least. Just make sure it can breathe o.k. That really is all it needs. And time. Don't tear the inner membrane (below the thick one) as it may cause bleeding and then we have a problem.
So that thinner white is the inner membrane? And I'm not sure which egg was peeping :/

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