Hunger Crazed Cochins


7 Years
Feb 23, 2012
So I raise Large Fowl Cochins, and we feed layer crumbles to everyone over 8 weeks unless they are having a hard time growing or are sick, then we feed 18% chick started to those who need the extra protein and ofcourse the chicks. But it seems like the birds on the layer crumbles are ALWAYS hungry. Like its not enough. The layer crumbles we feed are 16% protein. We also have Transylvania Naked Necks (Turkens, no they have NO turkey in them. The genetics cause feather loss) and they also do this with the feed. We go through way to much feed it seems like. Is there something else they need? Something that would be good for them but that would be more filling that isn't outrageously priced?


We feed our Giant Cochins 21% protein lay pellets. They do seem to eat quite a bit, too. I use to raise other large fowl chickens and I don't remember them eating as much as the Std Cochins do. We also give them berries and other treats, as well and they always act like they're starving. Not sure why they act like that, but we have wondered.

It is strange. I also have RIRs, Turkens, Silver laced wyandottes, Dominques, and Silkies and the cochins and brahma eat the most.
Give them some scratch also, or left over table scraps (veggies, meat!)

Do you feed them in a feeder or on the ground? I have noticed with my hens (the pullets also come to think of it) that if it spills on the ground they don't tend to eat it BUT are always wanting more.

My Cochins eat a TON of food!
Can I ask why no meat? I do give fish and egg occasionally to them. And the pen that they are in is raised off the ground, The food goes in a feed bowl, but they scratch in it and it ends up on the ground. I have even given them boxes of dirt to scratch and bathe in and yet they continue to do it to the feed.
I would suggest no meat because they could become cannibalistic. It is not always the case, but that is one thing that we stay away from. Egg shells.......we try not to let them have eggshells UNLESS they are ground up. They might start pecking at or even eating their own eggs. Honestly our chickens get everything we do, with the exception of meat and eggs!
I think that the hanging feeders, or the PVC feeders work the best. That way there is not very much that ends up on the ground, and they don't get it as dirty. Some people feed their chickens pellets because there is less food wasted, but I think my hens would starve to death before they would eat pellets!
Oh!! we also feed them weeds, anything that we pick from the gardens or just around the yard and they love it :)
These are just things that we do (or don't do) that have proven to work for us.
Don't feed them their-selves!! We try to avoid chicken in any form
, or other meat.
8 weeks is way too young for layer feed - the excess calcium can cause them long-term damage. You would be best to put them on a grower formula until they are laying age. Grower formulas are typically a little higher in protein than layer feed which is what those young birds need when they are growing. Layer feed is for birds who no longer need to extra protein because they are no longer growing at a fast rate, and what they need instead is the additional calcium.

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