I’m new to all of this...

G’Day from down under Jenperry :frow Welcome and Congratulations! :clap

Your climate is something to consider with the transition to coop decision; including your general location on your profile will assist others. Location, climate, season etc can be important factors when members are responding to any questions you may have and vice versa.

General rule of thumb, when they are fully feathered.

I do hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

BYC has Topic of the Week discussions which I have found to be a great resource, informative and sometimes entertaining; so definitely worth checking out. This one in particular may be of assistance:
Topic of the Week - Raising Chicks

If you would like to share Pictures and Stories of your flock, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out ;)
If your weather isn't really cold, they could probably move to their coop when they are 8 weeks old and fully feathered out. It would help considerably if we knew what your present temperatures are like.

A lot of us have been suffering from very low temps, snow, or icy conditions from a winter that seemingly has no intention of departing.
Welcome to BYC!!Glad to have you here...We are glad answering any questions you have.:)You should let your chickens into the coop when they start feathering,that was around week 8 for me and there all grown up and almost 2 years old now,it can be different for some breeds just watch for feathering!!...:welcome
I have never had chickens before and am so excited to begin this journey. My chicks are almost 3 weeks old,from what the lady at the store said. How old should they be before I let them live in their coop? They are inside now.

do you already have a coop ? Welcome to backyard Chickens, they will not need heat one they have feathers before then they may want a heating pad to crawl under

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