I am going to stew them ALL!


CA Royal Blues
13 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Oakland, CA
Why, you ask? Well in the past 3 days I've collected a grand total of... (drumroll) 7 eggs!
I have 12 hens.

I should have at least collected around 24-30. That's been pretty normal for me, lately though when I've gone to collect I've found more broken and empty eggshells than there were eggs for me to take in. I know I have an egg eater, or two. I tried to fix the problem a couple months back by placing ceramic eggs in the nest boxes and being extra diligent about collecting everyday. Obviously though they aren't learning...

Either that or I have a predator problem again. Last year we trapped 6 opossums who were feasting on our eggs every night. Hopefully that isn't the issue.

Which would bring me to the conclusion that I've got a flock of egg eaters if it isn't opossums again. What do I do? Is there anything I can do to prevent this behavior? I've upped the protein in their diet, I've made sure they always have plenty of food available. They shouldn't be bored, they roam all over the yard. I'm literally at my wits end... I don't want to have to get rid of these girls, I've had them for almost 2 years. I do have over 50 young ones growing up now though, so I could easily start a new flock.

I'm so frustrated!
If it were me and I was very sure they were egg eaters and I had previously tried to fix the problem, I would get rid of them. With replacements on the way its not worth it to wonder every day if you are going to get any eggs. Just what I would do in your situation. I know I wouldnt feel great about it, you get attached to the lil buggers! But after all- they are earning their keep by giving you eggs and if there are no eggs... well.... they can make you a nice stew dinner.
You may have the wrong predator--it may NOT be a possum or your own chickens. If its happening in the daytime, it could very well be a rat or a snake. I'd search for evidence of other predators before I put one of my girls in the stew pot.

Good luck
By yard, do you mean chicken run or your actual property? Any chance someone has a hidden clutch they are working up to sitting on? I remember my mother's free range chickens would do that, egg production would go down, hen go missing, a month later here come the new family.
Lock em in the coop and sit with them for a day if you have the time. Then you'll know what's going on. I had two birds that were holding out until I let them free range and then they'd just go lay them in their self selected spot. Funny how the days I keep them in the coop I get 7-8 eggs (I have 8 birds), and the days I don't I get 5-6. That's two naughty girls.

I think the bad girls are embarrassed of their eggs cuz they are really small. They tend to not eat a lot, their crops are never very full. So maybe that's why they're not using the nesting box unless they're forced to?
I have read that a blown egg filled with mustard or dish soap will quickly discourage egg eaters. Could work on predators too, I don't know. But sacrificing one egg per nest box to make a 'trap' seems well worth it to me if you can get whomever is responsible to leave your eggs alone.

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