I am new and have 4 day old chicks!


11 Years
May 18, 2008
I have a quick question. I put a lamp on my chicks. Does it stay on all the time or do I turn it off throughout the day. I live in Florida and it is about 90 during the day. They are in the garage.The thermostat I put in the box is reading 90.
I live in Gainesville and I put my chickens outside at 2 weeks with a heat lamp on a timer so it is on at night, they need to be about 85 degrees for the fist week and then lower the temp about 5 degrees a week until it is not needed anymore, It gets down around 70 at night so they need a little extra at that temp until they get fully feathered
thanks! I'm in New Smyrna. I turned it off for a little while today because it got so hot in the garage but I turned it back on about an hour ago. I guess I will just keep checking them. I have never done this before and it makes me nervous. My kids just love having them!
If they huddle together they are cold, so turn the light back on. If they are panting and seem hot, you could raise the light or turn it off. My homemade brooder was a rubbermaid crate with the light suspended over one side of it so they could get back under it when they were cold. The food and water was on the other side. They would go eat and then get back under the light and go to sleep. How many chicks do you have?
I have 4 chicks. I am using a rubermaid container also. The thermometer is reading 90 but they always seam to be close together even when they are eating. They are all alive this mornibg! I feel like a crazy first mom!

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