I am proud of me!!!! ME 1 - predator 0


Hatching Queen - Got Fudge?
11 Years
Sep 10, 2008
North Central Missouri boonies
Found out why the dogs were going off all night off and on.

Well this am, DD went to go let the geese out and check for eggs....she got the bejeebers scared out of her...as she rounded the corner into the barn....THERE HE WAS.... a possum! ICK! She screamed and ran to the house to get DH (who was a bit preoccupied in the tub!) to get the gun....

Anyway, long story short. I have never shot DH's gun but I have shot guns, and he finally, this AM told me how his works(so he did not have to get out of the tub) Great white hunter he is not! Anyhoo, I head out to the barn not for sure what I am gonna find and there the little monster is trying to dig into my call duck pen.....OH NO HE ISN'T!!! Not MY CALL DUCKS!!!! You have stepped way over the line buddy!

I cock the gun and can like walk right up on the dern thing, I put the gun to his little grody looking head and WHAM....no more call ducks or call duck eggs for you mister! I even disposed of his little gross body! I HATE possums and I hate raccoons....

Guess I better set the trap tonight just in case there are friends out there. I just had to tell someone! I am proud of me!
Congrats on the kill
I hate those nasty things too!!!
Great Job protecting your flock!

I once walked out to do chores and there was a red fox sitting out there as I rounded the corner. He didn't run away. Got hubby out of bed and he ran out and shot it. It was sick. So we did a good thing not spreading the disease any farther than the fox.
That is what DD thougth since he did not run, could have had rabies or something, he was a bigun! no more babies perpetuated from that one!

I still cannot believe I did it! It has been like 30 years since I actually shot a dern gun! I have my guts back now LOL

sorry for the spewage Bearded Chick!
DD was right there behind me for moral support, she said wow MOM, you really went after that one like you hated it...I said I did and I wanted to scream "oh no you didn't!" My call duck eggs are precious and so are my calls....any of my poultry is....they won't even get a chance to go home and tell the others, they will have to find out on their own!

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I feel so evil!

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