I Believe We Need To Put A Chick Down, What's The Most Humane Way?

It also appears like some of the toes of your chick are curled. I had 2 silkies hatch with curled toes. I think it is a common defect that silkies are prone to get. We put little boots on their feet to try to straighten the toes.


The boots were a little more difficult to put on and get them to stay on. One of the chicks wouldn't keep them on, she's almost a year old now and still has a few curled toes, but she does just fine. She could never be a show bird, but she is a lovely pet.
We're not trying the bandage the legs together route...She doesn't sit on her feet properly but we'll see how it goes, so far she hasn't flailed around...She's still eating and drinking with no problems and we added some cooked yoke to her diet...We'll try everything before the final solution...
I'm not an expert but I would make a brace for her legs. Is her toes straight? What I would do is make a chick chair, and brace its legs then take it out after a few days.
just checking to see how things are going. I know it can be stressful when you have a little patient to take care of. Hope things are going better for you.
I must say a trash bag and centrifical force is quick and sure... Not the suffocation method.. major cruel.. tried it... can't get the image out of my head.... I found the large garbage sack and concrete to be quick and painless.

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