I bought a broody mama and she has 7 eggs!

@Hannahnic14, according to your photos above, the eggs don't seem to be all the same age.

Egg 8 has no development. You can discard it.
Egg 6 looks underdeveloped compared to the others, but might've just been put under the broody later than the rest. So keep it under her.

I'd estimate most of the eggs pictured above are at least a week old - some maybe 10 days old.

She should kick them out if they turn bad right?
Not always. In my experience, I never count on my broody to discard her own eggs. Only 1 out of about 6 of my continuous broodies was smart enough to discard "bad" eggs.

I seen veins and movement in all the eggs except #8.
Does #6 have movement? Just curious. Either way, you should keep it under her.

👍 When should I recandle?
I'd candle in about a week. Candle when she's off the nest, just like you've done this time.

Good luck ❤️
@Hannahnic14, according to your photos above, the eggs don't seem to be all the same age.

Egg 8 has no development. You can discard it.
Egg 6 looks underdeveloped compared to the others, but might've just been put under the broody later than the rest. So keep it under her.

I'd estimate most of the eggs pictured above are at least a week old - some maybe 10 days old.

Not always. In my experience, I never count on my broody to discard her own eggs. Only 1 out of about 6 of my continuous broodies was smart enough to discard "bad" eggs.

Does #6 have movement? Just curious. Either way, you should keep it under her.

I'd candle in about a week. Candle when she's off the nest, just like you've done this time.

Good luck ❤️
Thank you so much for the info!

I discarded egg 8, I do remember seeing a bit of movement in egg 6 so I may candle it in a few days to check again.

I'll make a note to candle all eggs next monday.😊
I spoil my broody hens a little while they are sitting on eggs by offering hand-fed treats of sardines (prefer the sort packed in sunflower oil for the added calories with a good amino-acid profile) or cooked & cooled scrambled eggs (perfect amino acid profile) once daily while she is brooding.
This practice will help her maintain condition (weight/health) and since she's a new-to-you hen, should also encourage some bonding and trust with her. You may have trouble getting her to take the food from your hand at first, so you might try to hand feed first and then leave your offering on a shallow dish for an hour before removing it. You don't want to draw ants.
I also offer canned fish to my broody hens after her chicks have hatched, taking a cue on timing by when your hen is off of the nest and starting to teach her chicks how to be chickens. Again, this builds trust between you, her and her chicks. I prefer canned mackerel at this time as it's super cheap, has high protein and a good amino acid profile, and it's typically packed in very little water (I've never seen it packed in oil) and the fish is broken up into tiny flakes.
I spoil my broody hens a little while they are sitting on eggs by offering hand-fed treats of sardines (prefer the sort packed in sunflower oil for the added calories with a good amino-acid profile) or cooked & cooled scrambled eggs (perfect amino acid profile) once daily while she is brooding.
This practice will help her maintain condition (weight/health) and since she's a new-to-you hen, should also encourage some bonding and trust with her. You may have trouble getting her to take the food from your hand at first, so you might try to hand feed first and then leave your offering on a shallow dish for an hour before removing it. You don't want to draw ants.
I also offer canned fish to my broody hens after her chicks have hatched, taking a cue on timing by when your hen is off of the nest and starting to teach her chicks how to be chickens. Again, this builds trust between you, her and her chicks. I prefer canned mackerel at this time as it's super cheap, has high protein and a good amino acid profile, and it's typically packed in very little water (I've never seen it packed in oil) and the fish is broken up into tiny flakes.
Thank you! I will try this!
Apparently they were a little further along than we thought..😂 I came home today to 5 little babies!


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