I can not get an answer?

rancher hicks

Free Ranging
14 Years
Feb 28, 2009
Syracuse, NY
In an issue of Practical Poultry there was mention of giving chickens Cod liver oil, but not how much or how often. I have been mixing three table spoons in about a half can of scratch. The large produce cans that you'd find in a restaurant. So far I've only done this twice as it is fish and I'd like to avoid a fishy egg.

It has Omega 3's and vitamins A and D. Plus it helps to lubricate the digestive tract and all that, or at least that's my understanding.

So for anyone out there what do you know about Cod liver oil. While it's not necessary, it can't hurt and may help. How much and how often, though I expect I'd only do it once a month like I do with vitamins and ACV. Which by the way ACV need not be added to the water on a regular basis.


When I was raising parrots I used cod liver oil in my feed mix. I used 1 tablespoon to feed about 30 birds and I only did it twice a week. I would mix a huge bowl of shredded veggies,sprouts,chopped fruits and chopped eggs along with seed. The bowl held about 16 cups of mix. I only fed the cod liver oil twice a week because vitamin A and D can accumulate in the liver if overdone and cause issues. Dont know if that helps...hope it does
Why not give them flax seeds for a fatty acid supplement. I grind them every day for my horses and put some in the flock raiser too. Don't forget green grass for vitamin E.

See now here's the rub. You suggest giving them flax seed but do not give any ration amounts. I firmly believe that many of the problems folks have with their birds is because of an an improper diet due to additions of extra things. I have one friend who I will not give chicks to because she gets no eggs due to her feeding program.

I have large dual purpose birds, what ration of flax seeds do you suggest and why? This would be in addition to scratch and layer feed?

Sorry if this is harsh, I'm not a very good communicator and mean no offense

this is for ranger rick,sound like you've been doing this for a while and know what you are doing as far as eggs go .I'm just starting so what do you suggest to get the most eggs and keep my chickens healthy at the same time.
thanks for any input to all fratmor

I believe I have found an answer for you in Storeys book. She says the following:

"Pastured hens lay eggs with yolks that are high in omega-3's. Although the total fat content remains the same as if hens were not on pasture, the percentage of polyunsaturated fat increases. As an alternative to pasture, omega-3 content may be boosted in eggs by adjusting the hens' diet to include 10 percent flax seed. Besides being high in omega-3s, flax seed is high in protein, as well as a large number of vitamins and minerals, but feeding too much can cause eggs to taste fishy."

"Scratch is high in energy and low in vitamins, minerals, and protein. Too much scratch in the diet radically reduces the total protein intake. In the diet of laying hens, insuffeicient protein reduces egg production and the hatchability of incubated eggs and makes hens fat and unhealthy. Scratch should therefore be fed sparingly, it at all. Consider scratch to be in the same food group as candy and you will be unlikely to overfeed it. If fed at dusk in winter, it gives chickens energy to stay warm overnight."

Its my understanding that the layer feed should be enough for the hens and that the extras (scratch, flax seed, boss, etc.) should be given in moderation and not too frequently. I give my 8 girls 2 or 3 handfuls of scratch on the really cold days we have had this winter which is probably no more that a cup at most. I do give them boss almost every day as it has been cold and the extra protein seems to make a difference in their feathers. Otherwise, they eat their layer pellets, have oystershell available and get any veges/fruit that is left from the day. I guess that each person must do what they think is right for their flock as far as feeding is concerned. Mine are all healthy, parasite free and laying nice eggs. I must be doing something right!

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