I cant believe its been a year!!

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I go to baby center sometimes.....don't get them started on healthcare.

Congrats on the baby! She is so cute.
aaagh! just got back from my GP's surgery where I was supposed to see the midwife.

this appointment was made 7 weeks ago, which I thought was idiotically long (and did result in the midwives sending someone out to "book me in" about a week later)

so I get there, having had to bully my partner out of bed (he'd only had 5 hours sleep) AND organise his dad to take us because he tends to forget things...

and the receptionist says I don't have an appointment. Which I know very well I do. But she did book me an appointment for next week... aaagh! next week? I had to check it didn't clash with my 20 week scan! One of these days I will get to actually see a midwife, honest!

and I can't get a lift next week so it's going to cost me a lot of money to get there too.

and the whole thing made me so anxious that I started to puke.

get home, check the appointment slip they gave me when I booked it all those weeks ago... yep, I had the time and date correct. The receptionist was implying it was my fault. But I do NOT make mistakes on medical appointment dates & times, because of my other conditions etc they're too important to risk messing up so I double and triple check every time.

and this is the system that's supposed to be keeping an extra close eye on me because of the high risks involved in this pregnancy? Absolutely stupid.
This pregnancy has a very high risk of the outcome being me dead and the baby brain damaged or me in a persistent vegetative state and the baby dead... and they STILL can't get it right.

I am just so angry.
Congratulations Sebrightmom! Beautiful baby

I'm almost 7 weeks pregnant, due 10-13-10. I'm having a hard time getting into the pregnancy though, we lost the last two. I had an ectopic pregnancy last May (that ruptured and literally almost killed me) and then got pregnant again a couple months later...everything seemed to be going fine, but our son died unexpectedly at 14 weeks and I delivered him 2 weeks later. All the testing on both of us was normal so idk what happened. It makes me sad when my 8 year old says "I really hope we get to have this baby"
Everything has been normal so far, I had 4 hcg checks and then an u/s at 5w6d. Could barely see the baby it was so small, but definitely not ectopic and we could see a tiny flickering heart beat.

Baby center drives me crazy
I just get their weekly updates. I use the DDC at mothering.com, which can drive me crazy too, but not quite so bad.
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