I cant believe its been a year!!

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Have you ever had problems with your gallbladder? It sounds like the pain I had when I started having problems with mine. I had a few attacks with my first pregnancy, and then they went away. When I was about 10 weeks with my second, they came back full-force. It got to the point where I could eat nothing without an attack-I lost 30 lbs. in about 2 months. I had surgery when I was 4-months-pregnant with my second daughter. I really hope that isn't what it is, but you may want to ask your doctor about the possibility. It also sometimes starts in the right shoulder, but mine did that only after my surgery (long story shortened-I had even worse attacks for a month after my surgery: I had an MRI, 4-5 ultrasounds, scope of my stomach
, etc.; but they found nothing. They think there may have been a stone in my duct). It is a risk to do surgery like that when you are pregnant, but for me it was a bigger risk not too-I couldn't keep any food down at all!
Have you ever had problems with your gallbladder? It sounds like the pain I had when I started having problems with mine. I had a few attacks with my first pregnancy, and then they went away. When I was about 10 weeks with my second, they came back full-force. It got to the point where I could eat nothing without an attack-I lost 30 lbs. in about 2 months. I had surgery when I was 4-months-pregnant with my second daughter. I really hope that isn't what it is, but you may want to ask your doctor about the possibility. It also sometimes starts in the right shoulder, but mine did that only after my surgery (long story shortened-I had even worse attacks for a month after my surgery: I had an MRI, 4-5 ultrasounds, scope of my stomach
, etc.; but they found nothing. They think there may have been a stone in my duct). It is a risk to do surgery like that when you are pregnant, but for me it was a bigger risk not too-I couldn't keep any food down at all!

Hmm, I have been okay with the gallbladder, but I will ask if I can ever get a hold of these people!!! I called yesterday, they said they would call me back. Never heard a word. Just called and had to leave a message
Shadowhills -- sometimes acid reflux can be associated with a chest pain like feeling. Some even think they may be having a heart attack. When I had it, the pain was right below my heart -- kinda like the whole area of the diaphragm (spelling). It would hurt so bad that I eventually would throw up and then I felt fine. I know I've said it before, but Nexium was a godsend for me. It was great to feel normal again!
Nope, this wasn't acid reflux...I know when I get that and Tums takes care of that right away

The ER Dr said the chest pain is probably from the baby kicking. It gets pretty bad and I cough, so there is inflammation as well
did someone say gallbladder
I had a terrible attack at 8 mo with my first son that landed me in the hospital thinking I was in labor. It had to be cause the pain was that bad! Well, it wasn't and they gave me some top knotch pain relief just to get me to stop crying. It made me sleep but I could still feel the pain the entire time if that makes sense. I just had #2 about 6 months ago and had round 2 with gall bladder 2 weeks ago. I was visiting my big sis in New Orleans and I overindulged in everything N'awlins... spicey, fatty, sugary, whiskey....ey
I woke up in terrible pain and threw up a few times and it went away after a couple hours. I was terrified it would be as bad as the first time but it never escalated to that. I now think about it every time I eat anything.
Make sure it comes out BEFORE you ever get pregnant again! A lot of doctors won't even do the surgery if you're pregnant-and the pain is worse than labor!
well, I don't know anythng about gallbladders so I can't say anything about that
but I hope it all gets resolved.

that's great
Quick update... OB appt today. BP is still high so I've been put on meds. Had another round of blood drawn, for a preeclamptic panel, and another NST... and will have an NST at every appt from here on. Strict bed rest (don't expect to see me on here much, my feet swell up really bad when I sit here at the computer desk.) Have to go back in 5 days. Told today that I'll probably be induced at 39 weeks. I don't wanna have to be induced!

37 weeks, 4 days along...
that I'll go into labor on my own in the next week and a half...
i hope you get better soon! how awful!

i go to the dr tomorrow and they are going to tell me when we are getting the baby out..thank god! i need some sleep
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