I cant believe its been a year!!

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I'm getting worried - have only felt the baby move once today
if he doesn't get moving soon I'll have to go to hospital to check him out.
try drinking orange juice or something with caffeine in it and lay on your left side. Whenever I worry thats what I do and I usually feel baby move within minutes.
my fiance says that he felt him when he proded, but I didn't

just drank an iced drink, but not sure if what I felt was my body rebelling against the cold or the baby :-s
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How far along are you again? I had to start my fetal kick counts at 32 weeks. The instructions are that I should feel 7 movements from the baby within 2 hours of eating a meal. If I don't I have to eat again and repeat. If no movements again, call the OB. I usually can get those movements within a half hour of eating.

Your baby may still be small enough that he is moving without you feeling him. Still, for your piece of mind, do try eating and lying down on your left side. Even if you only feel one movement you'll know he is fine.

ETA... eat something with a little sugar since that usually wakes a sleeping baby up. Chocolate has sugar AND caffeine.
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chocolate makes me feel ill since I got pregnant... still got my easter egg

I've cut caffeine out completely, so I guess I'll eat some of the egg later (full of my dinner right now, couldn't eat if I tried!)

fiance says HE felt baby kick back when he prodded, but I didn't. So I'm going to assume it's me with a problem not the baby.

I'm 25 weeks.

the baby is small anyway - he's got my short legs, and his dad's tiny skeleton (he's 6 foot now, but most of his childhood he was SHORT, and he's very thin build...) which luckly includes the small head (just in case I get to give birth naturally, that'll be a GOOD thing!)

If I get any other symptoms I'll phone the hospital, and if I'm not feeling anything by tomorrow I'll go in to the hospital anyway.

I led down as suggested to try to feel something but I was so anxious all I could feel and hear was my own heart thudding!
I have days where I really don't notice the baby move much...usually the days I'm running around doing errands or working outside. He's still small enough that I have to be sitting/laying in order to feel him. I'm 24 weeks.
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