I cant believe its been a year!!

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oh what a night!
so after i posted on here, i started getting a headache, from the pitocin..well, it got worse and worse and they gave me stadol...to make a long story short, i spent almost the entire night with a horrible headache and puking my guts out! then my blood pressure went crazy and they put me on mag sulfate, which made me want to just keel over and die..i have heard stories about that stuff but it is really the work of the devil! during all of this i made no progress at all..they broke my water as soon as i was barely dialated but it didnt do much at all. by this time, i pretty much hated everyone!

so in the morning, they checked me again and i was at a 5. i call my husband and sister, crying about how i was never going to have the baby blah blah blah blah..well, i started hurting after i got off the phone and they came in and informed me that the baby was coming NOW and to start pushing and after 4 little pushes, baby francis was here!!!!!

i cried my head off afterwards, i was so happy...he is 7 pounds and 11 ounces..my smallest baby yet. my husband missed the birth because i told him that i had hours to go and i wanted him to get some rest. he has made up for that though and has been holding him all day. i havent done anything but eat and sleep because i am still on the mag sulfate and very woozy.


So glad everything went okay.. well mostly okay.

Hubby can be there for the next little one...
A girl next time!

thanks everyone! my husband has really outdone himself with all the running back and forth to take care of the other 6, going to get things that i need up here...i do appreciate that man!!!


this baby is so cute though..he has the cutest apple shaped head! i am glad we had him while he is still small. i just hope they take me off this stuff, it is absolutely horrid. i feel like im on the verge of passing out or falling over at the same time.
very cute head but ...... we need a face shot.....the cute little baby faces.

Glad everything went well. My husband was standing over my shoulder and saw that you DH missed the birth. He said....man, she is a great wife, you would have kicked my butt.....
Mrs. Turbo :

very cute head but ...... we need a face shot.....the cute little baby faces.

Glad everything went well. My husband was standing over my shoulder and saw that you DH missed the birth. He said....man, she is a great wife, you would have kicked my butt.....

ha, it was totally because of me....i told him that i had hours and to get some rest and then here comes baby!
once I hit 5 CM I will deliver in the next 30 min. I go from 5 to 10 fast....bad thing is I have more pain going fast like that.....my first baby took way longer, but not as painful.

I was in labor with the last baby and my husband left the hospital to pick up some hatching eggs..... Hmmmm....wrong forum to post that on if I am looking for pity...
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