I cant believe its been a year!!

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That would be great if y'all would join me with twins!! It seems to be in the water.

I just had another u/s today and both babies are almost 5lbs. Baby A is heads down!

I'm getting so close now. I'll be 36 weeks May 15th and can have the girls anytime after that!
oh how precious, twin girls!
lucky you
So happy to hear everyone's news....
Just had a GREAT visit, saw my doc who is VERY understanding and is watching me like a hawk (this one would never leave me in the stirrups for 25 minutes while awaiting bad news)

Best part... we got a STRONG WONDERFUL heartbeat.
12 weeks today. BIG milestone.
The first screen is next week. i'll let you know. THis is the down syndrome/heart defect one.
I refuse to be frightened, nervous. Having been through hell I am afraid of nothing anymore. I am just loving my baby and *every* day I have with it and my children here with me.
Sweet dreams to all of you and your wee babes tonight!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

I think my favourite moment so far in this pregnancy was seeing my fiance's face when we first heard the heartbeat. The first scan we were both so worried about because it was to see if I was still pregnant, so the first time we heard the heartbeat was the first "normal" one, if you see what I mean. Though when we got the next scan I kept looking between the baby on the screen and his face too...
Well i haven't been on in a week or so, but i went to the Specialist the baby got an ECHO of her heart, and everything is great i know longer have to see him anymore, that is really good but i was getting a lot of ultrasounds!! anyway i have a 3d/4d Ultrasound on Thursday i will be 25 weeks!!
We are having one big baby boy......Well, at least the boys are sweeter.......... at my house anyways.
So that makes 4 boys and 1 spoiled rotten girl. Guess I can't buy that pink car seat now.....that would be wrong wouldn't it??? HAha
My blood pressure was high again. Hasn't been high since I started on medicine 3 times a day.
Mrs. Turbo :

We are having one big baby boy......Well, at least the boys are sweeter.......... at my house anyways.
So that makes 4 boys and 1 spoiled rotten girl. Guess I can't buy that pink car seat now.....that would be wrong wouldn't it??? HAha
My blood pressure was high again. Hasn't been high since I started on medicine 3 times a day.

Congrats on the baby boy.
i feel for you..my poor girl feels so outnumbered...i think that is why she enjoys tormenting her brothers so!

i wonder if shes had the baby yet??
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