I cant believe its been a year!!

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Alright, I have hit the 30-31 week mark.
I am FREAKED by some of the movements. I think- is she having seizures in there? It feels like she has six arms they way she beats me internally!!!

Anyone else having this?

Bp still low. no sigs of pre-eclampsia!! god just get me past 33 weeks.... Sept 10th.... It was 33 weeks I developed signs and just at 34 weeks I lost Olivia. Nail-biting pregnancy does not even begin to cover it!!!!
Wyatt use to beat me to death from the inside too. As time went on he did more stretching than beating since he was out of room in there. Sending prayers your way that things go well...
I hope you will be joining us tarheelmama7914

Livinzoo I am praying for you and the little one

littlefarm_bighappy Movement is good

My stupid cat hates the baby and she hates it when he fusses. Every time he cries she tries to bite him or she will walk over and bite, me hard too.
Ants in the crib? Have you tried spraying the outside of your house, around the outside of the windows or whereever they are coming in, with ant killer? Are they the tiny black sugar ants that like to raid my kitchen in the summer? Sure hope the baby isn't getting bitten!
The baby is only getting bitten by my jealous cat, no ant bites. I haven't really started using the crib yet. They are black ants but here in California they come when they get rained out and all summer when they come in search of water and food. They even eat our underwear.
They send out scouts in everything. If they find something they are ferocious. They have gotten on my older children once when they were babies at different times. They each got a few bits before I could figure out why they were crying. I kept them out of the fish aquarium and the frog terrarium by putting Vaseline around the edges. I kept them out of the cat dishes by putting the dishes in a shallow pan of water. then the ants drown before getting to the cat dishes. Unfortunetly, thise ideas won't work for the crib. The house rule is no food in any part of the house but the kitchen but then the ants get into the bathroom trashes, the laundry, and even house plants and eat the roots. The way babies spit up all the time means that the babies themselves attract ants and they will walk around the poison across the ceiling and through the windows.
i had the same problem!!! i finally ended up just having him sleep with me and then i also put vaseline on the legs of his bed..i HATE ants.
Duh why didn't I think of that. Thanks

It looks like this threads anniversary is coming up. Do you get a prize for start a thread that is active this long? Like a GFM or something? I think you should.
New Wyatt pics! We went scalloping a week and a half ago.




For those of you who are wondering, my shirt says "Good things come to those who mate."
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