I Can't Eat My Hens Eggs!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
Anybody out there ever heard of such a thing?? I have been getting two eggs every day from my beloved Dominiques for over a month now. I can't even think about eating one of their eggs without getting nauseous. Hubby was raised on a farm in Iowa and said he has heard of people not being able to eat the animals they raised, but never heard of someone not being able to eat the eggs!!
Go buy a dozen from the store. Have an empty carton on hand. Tell DH to mix em all up (make sure you buy ones color matched or as close to yours as possible) and see if that helps? So maybe ya can't tell the difference at first glance?

I havent gotten any eggs yet, my birds are still young. BUT I was feeling pretty awful about eating chicken for a while. And that was not chickens I raised. I totally understand.

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