I Can't Eat My Hens Eggs!!!

I must admit, I do not eat eggs all of the time. I just can't do the daily egg routine. But, when I got my first eggs, I could not wait to try it. Then I could not wait to show my family (who never had fresh eggs before) just how much better they LOOK, SMELL and TASTE than those runny, old, pale, flavorless eggs at the store.
I guess I just don't get it.
I had HUGE issues with my home laid eggs. The whole family was eating them, and I was still on the store eggs. I thought it was gross. I mean the colour is much darker too.....After a few months I started using the eggs in my baking...baby steps. Then one day I thought of it like this....

It's about respecting your food! I know now how much effort it takes for that egg to land up on my plate. It is my duty to cook it in such a way that would do the work involved justice. MY hens are happy and healthy and they have a very happy life. their eggs are a gift to me. STORE BOUGHT eggs are from hens not half as happy as mine. They might even be medicated and given special feeds to up egg production etc.... none of those things are harmful to me I know, but I know for a fact that my eggs are PURE! What I put in is what I get out. I DONT KNOW what goes into a store bought egg??????

This whole 'respect your food' is even starting to spill over into other areas for me. Like the meat I eat. I take far more care in planning and preparing my meals than before. I have learned to respect my food. Same thing with vegetables. it takes forever to grow a simple thing like a tomatoe (I tried it). to simple toss a tomatoe because it is slightly over ripe is a no-no for me now. I waste much less....

The first few eggs I ate I did almost gag, and then I stopped buying eggs completely!! I was forced to use my home laid eggs and now, I can't stand a store bought egg. they are less fress, more runny and way too pale.....

baby steps....
I'm brand new to chickens- our hens are now 8 months old and we've been getting eggs for a bit over 3 months.

I also had issues with my own eggs at first- I knew my anxiety was coming before the eggs were being layed. And, the chickens were all MY idea! My husband was furious. We've been buying home grown eggs from a local farm for years and spending a TON for them, too. But, it was the "chicken butt" thing that got me. I finally made a quiche (with panchetta and fontina cheese- yummmmo!) and that turned me on to my own eggs. I still get a little queasy with a runny yolk, but I'm getting over it.

I gave a dozen of my eggs to my grandparents a few weeks ago and found out that my grandmother has been dropping a RAW egg into my grandfather's protein shakes!!! Now, that made me want to barf. I'm not ready for a raw egg yet.

For me, I think that the issue stems from the fact that we are so far removed from our food sources as Americans. We've been trying to bring it back home by buying locally from farms and slaughter houses. We're making some progress... my 7 year old daughter saw a wild turkey they other day and said, "MMMMM.... delicious turkey."
well said! We are too far removed from our food! Everything comes in plastic packaging!
I would suggest having someone else cook them for you, Maybe some one who is a really good cook, do you have a favorite egg dish? Start with that. Good luck!
At first I could only get them down hard boiled, then I graduated to scrambled, and finally got one down over easy, my lifelong favorite way to eat an egg. I knew the problem was between my ears and was determined to get over it. Took even longer to be able to eat the meat. Now my favorite meal is breakfast, two over easy and whatever else I happen to feel like eating. I definitely eat more than 14 eggs a week.

I like eggs well enough that it really doesn't bother me to have to supplement with store bought now and then. Not as good, of course, but still.....
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