I can't imagine living in the North....

our low here this morning was-10 with OUT the wind chill. Its 2' now with wind chill at -14' and dont look to get any better for the next week. I am starting to worry about the chickens and our one lone bunny.
Well, thank you all for making me feel warmer about 13 degrees. A wind chill, but not for the chickens who are well blocked from the wind. They came out of the coop anyway today, seem to be getting used to the cold.

13 degrees F, btw
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Me too! yesterday I was sweating with my carharts. Haven't gone down to do the food and water yet---I am going in a few minutes the temp is 3 F and the windchill is -12F. I didn't let them out today---- maybe tomorrow it will be a tad warmer Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I've told DH to take a picture of me ---the crazy chicken lady in winter clothes--- I think I look hysterical!
There are worse things than "THE NORTH" in winter. I lived south and east of Baker, MT....se corner of the state....for most of 30 years, moving to northeastern Oklahoma almost two years ago when my son....who works out of Tulsa....convinced me that gardening (which I really enjoy) would be a wonderful thing here. Unfortunately, he'd not yet been introduced to Bermuda Grass. Also, the humidity and heat during a really LONG summer in this area is much worse than anything the North can hand out. It kills MUCH faster. I'll take an Alberta Clipper anytime!!!

In fact, this past summer was so bad that I'm working on moving back north.....maybe even back to MT.

I live in Maine. Right now we are having a Nor' Easter. Although it's not too bad. The temps are rather warm...27F! There is 12' - 18" of snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow. They say the wind will be very strong though. Last week the temps were cold. A few nights it was 0-5F and the wind was a nightmare...shook my house several times. But I keep two 60watt lights above the roosts to keep my ladies from getting frost bite. It keeps the temp on the roosts around 25F when it is zero outside. I keep heavy birds (13 ladies) so they can thrive during winter. And they are such wonderful ladies too, they give me 12-13 eggs per day! Love my ladies
Hi all!

I have to say I've been very entertained by the posts and the differences in weather. Now it's my turn to toot my horn for my area. It sure makes me glad to live here in Alberta, Canada. Yep that's right! In my area we might get a foot to 2 feet of snow all winter, haven't had more then that in years. We do get a few nights of -40 temperatures, but we never get ice storms or blizzards with 3 feet of snow or more, and it seems the mid west and the east get way colder temps then we do here . We rarely get tornados because we seldom get higher then 35C (about 90F) and rarely get bad lightning storms in summer. There's no problems with high humidity, no scorching hot temperatures, no poisonous snakes, spiders, scorpions etc.
We do get nice long 20 hour summer days where the gardens grow like crazy, but the temperatures are bearable to be outside even at mid day and we're not overwhelmed by mosquitos. We have an abundance of fruit trees, but no poison ivy, poison oak or kudzo....lol
We carry on in winter with 1/2 the workload and enjoy the free time for ice fishing, skiing and snowmobiling and we have millions of sq miles of untouched wilderness. And Akane, we know how to dress in 3 layers only so we have mobility and warmth.
And our population is only 3 million
Compare our sq. miles with Texas , but they have 30 million! It's sure nice not to live one on top of another!
Canada, the true north strong and free

Wishing everyone has a great year in 2010
-28 today. BUt at least there isn't any wind. I don't have a heater in the coop but their water still barely froze overnight. YEAH!

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