I can't imagine living in the North....

heh heh -

No snow here. Too cold. When I went out to check water and open their pop door, it was -17F outside, 4 inside the coop with heat. Pretty much on par for January. It'll probably get worse before it gets better, but that just makes Spring all the more inviting. It's worth waiting for.
Ok I'm from La. and ya'll talk about -#s
If it got too minus anything here they would shut down schools,all work would stop
and they would have to thaw out everyones fire in the fireplace
South of MInneapolis here... -20. Not much wind though, that REALLY helps. The water barely froze over last night. This is our first winter and its going very well. no frost bite, no lost birds and still pretty good egg production. They even come outside to play once in while.

I have to say, I can't WAIT until spring though.
Just had to jump in here!!! We are in Southen Minnesota and we had -27 This morning. Our chickens arekept warm with the aid of an infra-red heater. Turned to low and not in the immediate area of the coop, so it won't get pooped on. We have 8 hens and Rooster. A large heated water dish and they are very happy. Getting about 5-6 eggs / day. We have had 22" of snow since just before Christmas and I too wouldn't want to live any place else. Sure don't have any mosquitoes!!! Happy New Year!!
I guess not! It's not all that cold here, just above freezing and the snow is light.
Oddly enough my chickens are laying better than they did all fall. The ducks have stopped altogether again though.
Here in North Eastern Kansas it's a balmy 9 degrees. Think I'll go make some oatmeal for the girls. I feel so bad for them in this weather.

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