I could lose my land for growing food!!

Please be aware that what I posted was just a fraction of the law. Those were the parts that had me worried though. Basically, as I read it, anyone that grows food and sells it comes under the new law.

We already have regulations in place that govern this (I have to obtain a license to sell eggs for example), a lot of this is just a new level of government that will overlap whats already done. I understand the portions of the law that regulate importation of food. I don't understand cracking down on people that raise and sell at the local farmers market.
They can kiss my
. The only way i would do this if all the stuff was grown on USA soil! Tell my i have to eat a fruit from another country, nope not gonna do it! And i will still have my fruit trees, veggies and spices.

It will hardly be enforced and will be used as a slap on charge if someone gets busted growing "illegal crops" What is illegal.....hummm ? IDL sounds like a new world order thing~ Free masons who worship satin, our goverment at it's finest....
This has me worried:

(12) FOOD.—The term ‘‘food’’ means a product
10 intended to be used for food or drink for a human
11 or an animal and components thereof.

On top of NAIS, this sounds like another way to moderate my chickens. If food is "an animal" then I can see someone trying to govern my dogs, my cats, guinea pigs, chickens, mice, rats. I just don't like how open that is. I don't like a lot of things the government is doing. Trying to make me learn spanish, making me use an identification system, having to buy store veggies, what's next. Do we have to give up our first born?​
HR 875, introduced by a democrat and has 41 democrat co-sponsors,not a single republican signed on. Seems that giving control of congress to the dems is going to come back and bite those of you that voted for them in the backside.
does that mean that you cant grow food to sell to the public
or you cant have a vegetable garden for your family
Check out Joel Salatin. His new book: Everything I want to do is illegal: War stories from the local food front

He's the only person I know of trying to do something about this.... Big article about him in Mother Earth News this month....

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