I don’t know what else to do!


In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2023
Hello! So here is my story. 10 months ago I got 6 baby chicks from TSC. They all started laying when they were supposed to. Then in November I got a starter pullet from someone and only after 1 day I put her with my others. I know now to wait a few weeks. Well they all were doing well then in January one fell sick and I had a fecal sample done and came back with coccia. I treated them all with 20% powdered corrid for 7 days and followed up with Roster booster poultry cell for 1-2 weeks. The the hen never did get any better and later died. Soon after the starter pullet that I got also died she was very very skinny. A little while after another got sick and real skinny hunched over not eating not energy lethargic and after a week of hydro hen and no improvement and just kept getting worse we culled her. Then I had to two left they seem to be doing fine for now but not long. In April one stopped laying and a week later the other has a soft shell egg and hasn’t laid since. The first one to stop laying also stopped eating soon after and got diarrhea and got very skinny and never got better and past. Now I’m down to one hen. She hardly eats she has diarrhea she is very skinny but still active. She did have sour crop/ impacted crop. I treated that with a little coconut oil and massaging the crop which seems to have worked. They do get out to free range in the back yard for a few hours a day. We have a ton of wild birds in our backyard due to all the feeders we have (7) I have 6 new chickens that I got 6 weeks ago they have been moved to the big cage already. Things I have tried worming, corrid 2x just did another round 2 weeks ago, probiotics electrolytes, hydro hen. Rooster booster. I have taken another fecal sample to the vet last week it was negative. They have henhouse reserve feed but don’t like it much. Also producers pride layer crumble. The chicks eat cluck n co starter grow. Just yesterday one of the chicks now have diarrhea. So I am at a loss and just keep losing my chickens no matter what I do. 😥
I am so sorry. It sounds devastating.
Hopefully someone more expert than me will respond.
One thing you should probably do is get a necropsy on the one the next one that dies (sorry that sounds awful).
State labs are usually able to do them for a reasonable cost and at least that will help you know what is going on.
Cocci lives in the soil, the 'medicated' chick feed takes out the thing from their diet that cocci lives off of. I dont think you can do corrid and the medicated feed at the same time though. Also adults shouldnt have the medicated feed.

The wild birds could very well be bringing in diseases, if you can, i'd suggest moving the feeders away from where the chickens are at the very least.

There isnt a lot you can do to get them to stop coming since they're used to it being there.

But less wild bird poop where your birds are living will be better.

How bad is the diarrhea, was it just 1 time, or is it's backside all poopy from it? Is it constant?
They were/are not on medicated feed. I feed the chicks Cluck and Co it’s an organic feed. The one other feeder has Henhouse reserve in it. But they don’t really eat that. The diarrhea is all the time.

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