I feel so sorry for my EE pullet, Fussy


12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Belleville, Kansas
Well, ever since Red has started laying, Fussy has been depressed. I told you all she crowed the one day. I think she needs counseling. I think she thought if this was what egg laying entailed, she was having none of it. She is the most dejected looking thing on the planet. She NEVER puts her tail in the air any more. Red snarfs ALL the treats down, Fussy likes to inspect them, look them over, then slowly slowly eat them, but if she does that...well poof, they are gone. So she has to WOLF down her treats and she gets about 1 to Reds 5.
Fussy used to bully Red just a wee bit, now REd pushes her away from the food, pushes her away from the water, steps on her, crawls UNDER her to lay her egg, paces the pen, and cries and it makes my Fussy nuts as Red USED to calm her nerves and now she just makes her a maniac. I even seen Red peck at her a few times lately. I think Fussy doesnt even wanna be a chicken anymore.

This was one of the most recent pics i took of her this last week, she ALWAYS looks like this anymore. A very dejected chicken.
What can cheer up a chicken? I even took her and sat her in my lap and sang to her the other day, and she did perk up and even played with the towel I had on there, like she did when she was little. Poor girl.

I can tell she is depressed cuz she just SLUMPS, and she used to stand with her chest out and her head up and SOME of the time, she even put her tail up.
So....how DO you cheer up a chicken?
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Well, if she didn't pick up worms or some sickness, you can try maybe giving her attention like you were. Being pushed away from food and slow to eating goodies is kind of what roosters do when they learn how to treat the hens. The just stand there calmly until the hens come over and eat the food. Maybe that's what she's dong? Hope she feels better soon!

Maybe you can make her a get well card out of cooked lasagna, bound with spagetti, with black sun flower seeds to spell out words in chicken?
Thanks Silkie,

Nope she isnt sick. Just a bit despondent.

Nope its not that she doesnt WANT the treats, she has always wanted to look things over and eat slow, (one of the many reasons she is called Fussy), she has gotten to where she will swallow stuff whole in order to get it, but she HATES it.
I like your idea, get well/cheer up in chicken!
plenty of TLC should work. Is it hot where you live? I find my girls acting sluggish & sometimes standing in a similar position when they are cranky. The heat makes them cranky.
She is a pretty girl!
Thank you, Kelly.

Nope, I think the OTHER chicken is making her cranky.
And they are so close, buddy wise, I think she feels like she lost her playmate cuz Red now does not wanna jump and run with her. Ah, growing up is hard to do....

I have been giving her extra TLC. Will have hubby dig a hole and leave the dirt for them to play in.

Ok, had hubby dig up some dirt, what chicken wouldnt like that? The things I do for my chickens!
She is out there now, scratching and peckin. I also got this ball for dogs, if you move it around, treats come out of it, I got it for my chickens but not sure what they will think of it. What kind of dry treat could I put in there that would come out if they nosed it around with their beaks? IF they even would..will tell you how that goes over. I guess best bet is to keep her occupied so she doesnt have time to think.
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