I finally built my coop thanks to all of you! LOTS of Pics!


11 Years
May 29, 2008
Long Island, NY
So, my kids got baby chicks for Easter... and I realized what a commitment this would be - but I didn't realize how long it would take me to build a chicken coop! I've been surfing this site for months while the chickens were growing up in my basement and I'm proud to say, I finally built the coop last weekend! I took lots of ideas from you all and I THANK YOU for posting your images and ideas for everyone to look at. I even took the "automatic" feeder idea from another post (the one with the PVC) what a GREAT idea! There's been chicken feed all over my basement with a ton of waste for weeks - and now with the new chicken feeder, there is virtually NO WASTE at all! So, here's pics of my coop. It's 4' wide by 16' long including the chicken run. The roof lifts up and the side comes off so I can walk right in to clean it. It's raccoon proof and fits nicely along a fence in my backyard. So, I hope these pics help someone else out there like previous posts have helped me.

I'll be improving the interior of the coop a bit over the summer with nesting boxes (milk crates (thanks for another great idea!))

Can't wait to get fresh eggs!




This is the door I made to keep my chickens in the house at night. It’s on a string to be lowered at night to keep them ultra safe.

I built the entire coop and run to be easy to open and clean. I remember as a boy, my grandfather always had chickens and it stunk so bad I was never interested in helping out! I want my coop clean and fresh so my kids aren’t turned off by the stink! The kids are very interested now and I want to keep their attention – a clean coop will do it! The roof and run opens on hinges, and the right side lifts off entirely so you can walk right in – this side is attached with window latches and 2x4’s to keep it secure.

Here’s an interior look of the latches on the right side of the coop.

And here’s a close-up of the latches. There’s one on each side. They’re brass so they won’t rust.
Latch Close-up

Here’s what it look like with the roof and side open so I can walk in to clean the coop. I chose a dirt floor with pine shavings since it’s easier to rake or shovel to keep it clean.

When my chickens are ready to lay eggs, this is how I plan to collect eggs. The nesting boxes will be built right under the roof so my kids can just lift the roof to get the eggs… this will also prevent me from stooping over to get eggs myself!
Egg Collecting

I put a 1x2 in the coop for a perch… the cinder block is just there for them to stand on and hang out – I know it’s not fancy, but it’s stable for them to jump on and use it as a stepping stone to get on the high perch. The nesting boxes will be just below the high perch (thanks for the tip on this message board!)
Inside Perch

Here’s a close-up of the entire feeder. It’s almost 4’ tall and I used 4” PVC pipe. It holds a lot of food and there’s very little waste. I used a “door knob” drill bit to cut 2” holes on the bottom run of the PVC (it’s about 14” long). It’s slightly pitched to ensure the feed flows smoothly. It’s also not attached on the long side of the “L” so when the chickens sit on it, it moves and they don’t like that at all! So they get off the feeder!

Here’s one more pic of the Exterior of the coop and the run. The whole project costs me about $260 in materials, 2 days of work with my 8-year old daughter, and over month of planning the details. For the wood and trim, I used “Smart” wood available at Lowes and Home Depot. It’s some sort of compressed board that’s already primed and weather resistant! The paneling (4’x8’ @ $16 per sheet, I used 3 sheets) comes in beige and the trim (1”x 4”x8’ @ $4 each) comes pre-primed in white! Very easy to use and perfect for a coop!

Let me know if anyone has any questions or would like more details!
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That is adorable as is the child. Congrats to you. Great job. I love these cute dollhouse coops. So clean and shows such a pride of ownership and chick responsibility.

Dilly Also love the feeder.
Super cute! I have got to get on board using feed that way! How do you guys get the perfect holes cut out of that piping, though?
I can answer that. Use a hole saw. They attach to a drill and away you go. very easy.

I would like to see a pic of the entire feeder top to bottom please.
Everything, I mean everything is so nicely done! Attractive and neat, and your little one is precious!
Congratulations on a job well done!

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