I got a PINK egg!

Thank you everyone for all your nice comments and for the pictures. I was so excited to see that egg in the nest box yesterday. I wasn't sure if it really was a pink egg, but it sure looked pink to me! Now I want to get a couple of "friendly" white egg layers and a couple of really dark brown egg layers. THAT would make a gorgeous basket!
Awesome looking eggs-- your basket looks like mine, except the brown. I'm getting pink eggs, a pretty celadon green egg, and almost olive green eggs so far-- mine have just started laying a few weeks ago, and the oldest group of chickens are "mutts", with barred rock for a daddy, and a mix of mommies.

I LOVE the colors!
I hatched some green egg layers not too long ago, guess I'll have to wait for spring to eat green eggs and ham.

I am bound and determined to get some green and blue layers in the spring. I love the pictures of the different colored eggs.

Must have............need more chickens!!!!!

p.s. Don't tell my DH.

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