I got a whole litter and mama! *Graphic Pics*

and i suppose if someone where to kill your dog for simply being on their property, it'd be amusing too?, trust me, been there, done that with one of our dogs, no it's not.

again, I do not want anyone taking this the wrong way, or thinking I'm PETA advocate, because PETA get on my nerves, and scare me a little bit...

but this is one of the meanest things I've read...

ETA: that is doesn't help that I have charokee american in my blood.
so it's sorta my thing

I think you took what I said wrong, I don't find the killing amusing in any way, shape, or form. What was amusing was watching this raccoon leap out a window and using her body as a parachute. Trust me, my property is not a raccoons home.
What in the world gave you the idea that if someone were to kill my dog I would find it amusing? I have no clue where you would have got that from.
People have killed animals for alot less, heck they shoot them for the fun of it and you are worried about these murderous vicious creatures that have killed dozens of my chickens? Odd.
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I agree that the OP did what they felt needed to be done to protect his/her chickens, babies or not. Personally, I believe in live and let live unless something is actually attacking my animals, but perhaps the OP has lost chickens to raccoons in the past. What bothered me was the celebration/joy that was implied when the adult was shot but not killed - "...It was actually kind of amusing, she flung her body like 4 feet out and she parachuted down..." I always find it...a bit disturbing...when people seem to take joy in killing a live creature.

*That being said, please do not gloat or suggest torturous ways of killing for pleasure or indeed, post in such a way that your predator control can be construed as pleasure killing instead of simply taking care of a problem.
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I did not take any joy in the killing of these creatures read my post above, and yes I have lost probably 30+ chickens to raccoons over the years. Alot of hate has built up for these horrible creatures
Good for you! Glad you got those raccoons. Population control....that's what it is! You know that if they survived, then you would have more missing chickens for sure.

Good job!
She fell into a large patch of black raspberrys with a forest right behind it, I could barely see through the patch and couldn't go in there because of the thorns
Nice shooting and they would have been into your birds once they got used to being around your property. Sad as it is to have to take a life we must always be on guard or lose chickens to predation.
OP just said what happen as is. Forgive me I am probably some sort of native american but I really do not know anything about that but what I do know is that they did kill animals. Buffalo,coons, rabbits and other animals and ate them and kept the skins and most of the time wore them. Coons have always been hunted and if they are not hunted they become killers and even have killed cats and dogs and have been known to take a young baby pig. I do not feel remorse for these creatures as they are not hunted and killed by anything but humans. They can cost a single person thousands if left alone. Wildlife and game do not want to handle them or honestly do anything with them, THEY WILL ATTACK AND BITE A PERSON IF CORNERED and same goes for the EPM carring possums that can kill horses 5 times their size by just drinking out of their water. Relocating just gives other people problems ever heard that advertisement saying DO not carry firewood to different locations because you spread unwanted bugs places ? yeah. Coons reproduce yearly and possums can have a ton of babies. two females can make around 20 babies each yearly if you didn't clear them out then you might as well give up on raising birds now. Raise predators or raise poultry ? If you choose poultry then its YOUR job to protect them at all costs because they cannot defend themselves. I've learned you leave the chicken house door open at night it's YOUR fault they are dead. YOUR loss of money! YOUR loss of a defenseless life. YOUR loss of a favorite pet that loved you dearly and followed you around and loved to be rubbed and petted because you didn't put a stop to a killer and they don't stop coming back for anything. You lose one in a night and then the next you WILL lose them ALL. Yep its graphic and nasty but Missouri has a law that says if it kills your livestock you can shoot it.

If you don't like the predator threads plese turn away.

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