I got a whole litter and mama! *Graphic Pics*

I feel bad that the raccoons had to die. That being said, a person has the right to protect their property and their family, be it a person or an animal. The OP isn't gloating and they didn't sadistically kill the animals so that's good enough for me. So long as it isnt' a senseless slaughter, it is always ok with me. That being said, I'm not sure how well my gated community will like me pulling a shotgun on an animal
would like to apologize to the OP, I didn't mean any disrespect, nor to say that you were wrong.

I understand when you spend money on your birds, you want to protect them (I, myself spend atleast 100$ a month on 22 ducks in feed alone), and most of them I've had for about 3 years, that is alot of money, more than that though, they are my pets, they all have names, and personalities, and yes, I was not saying that i do not lose ducks to predators, I have had foxes, raccoons, hawks and even oppossum take my birds, so yes, I do understand. i once had a racoon pull open the door to my duckling shed where I had 16 2 week old ducklings, and killed every single one, leaving half of them laying, was I upset, heck yes!, I had doted over those eggs for 28 days, then raised and handled the babies since they hatched, but did I imediately patronize the racoon as a ruthless killer, no because it wasn't, it was just going after easier prey.

If /I/ was a fox or any predator, I sure as heck would go after a fat, slow chicken or duck rather than spending hours hunting for a few mice or birds, I'm sure you would do the same had you been born a fox.

as some of the others have said, it was the title that bothered me the most, as if you were GLOATING over killing baby animals, and the fact that you had to stand there, and shoot each one, thats four shots, I commend you though, I would never be able to listen to the cries or the terrified looks on the faces of the others as they watched their sibling, and waited for their turn.

as someone else said, what does having native american blood have to do with anything?, it has everything to do with it, to me, anyway. as a native american, we are shown how to co-exist with all animals, we as humans do not OWN our animals, because we have no right to claim another living creature, you don't think that if you stopped feeding your chickens they wouldn't go off and look for their own food?, they do not NEED us, they only stick around because we feed them.

again, though i do want to apologize if I came off as harsh, or attacked someone, i did not intend for that to be that way.
ChickenLover54 I think most of us realize you were just expressing what happened and how remarkable the mama coons response was; abandon ship, she didn't stay to "save" her babies. And the 'bleeding hearts" need to quit humanizing the coon, she didn't "think" anything. She survived and went on with her life (if she lived) only knowing to be more cautious around humans.
Coons have no mercy when they rip a chicken apart or any other animal they get ahold of. Their world is kill or be killed, and eliminating the ones that choose to live too close to our homes is the proper way for natural selection. If they naturally choose to live away from us they survive, if they choose to use us as a food supply they die. End of story!
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Hey, you get the multiple point bonus ... as far as I'm concerned.

WTG ..
It is sad that they had to be killed, I hate to see the dead babies- but raccoons are quite vicious, I have had my outdoor cat attacked, and have myself been attacked by a raccoon- I don't own a gun but I did hit it with a brick (it lived- never came back though!) OP did what he had to to protect his chickens and that's just the way it goes.
It was a decision I had to make. Before they realized what was going on they were gone pop pop pop pop, as fast as you read that is how it went. They didn't "wait for their turn", I am not a cruel person.

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