I had Internet Fraud Charges!

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Well...I've sent the laptop fraudulent order back to the company. The local police were called and a report was made...said they couldn't take the property because technically it wasn't stolen because they sent it to ME! I've still got a fraudulent order from Amazon.com that the credit card company cannot tell me what it is for but can tell me the amount. AND I'm having problems finding the order with them...DID you know there is not a number to call Amazon.com to check on any orders? Police said that this has happened quite a bit and that the identity THIEF will wait at your house and track the order online and then impersonate you when the shipment is delivered.
I've notified credit bureaus and put out a fraud alert on ME and DH...requested all credit reports...and notified all MY banks etc. VIA cell phone because my digital phone has been acting weird...calling companies instead of my bank numbers...I fear the worst right now.
I'm so sad and upset...I feel totally violated! I was just bragging how great my credit was and how well DH and I were doing financially.
OH...and I've gotten names and dates and took pictures of the package and made copies of all shipment labels, shipment details and emails I've received from the credit card companies. I'm not responsible for the charges...but I'm still mad as H*LL! And I want JUSTICE!
Reported Pelle Co. to the FBI website/fraud bureau also.
I hope my experiece will help others...this is the only reason I'm posting this!
Amazon.com just called me...they found the fraudulent transaction and are tracking it and their fraud department will open an investigation...the amazon.com order was sent elsewhere. SO some good news in the slew of bad lately!
Holy Cow, what a pain in the butt! To have to do all the works to straighten everything out when you are the victim!!

Well...I've sure learned my lesson! It took me all day but I did eventually put a fraud alert on my and dh's ss#'s and called all creditors (only 2 so that was quick work) and all my banks. I would like to share the numbers I called to request my FREE credit reports from which included the major 3 credit bureaus. 877-322-8228 and the automated system provided access for requesting from the big 3~
I also reported to the Social Security Administration and the FBI fraud bureau and they will take the investigation further. I reported all my online transactions with every company I've bought from in the last month and they said they would find the connection. I also notified the company whose name was being used also Gio Pelle, Inc. The CEO of that company was thankful that I notified them and will be having their accounting people look into it. I sent him all transactions that had their company listed and packing lists etc.
This thief is going to be stopped...at least from my end! :|
Internet or not if someone wants info they will get it. My MIL was notified a year ago that her info along with many others was stolen from her bank. Someone actually broke into the bank and stole the computers. Of course the bank didnt want to give everyone new accounts at first and a few days later caught the person who did it but you just never know. People that work at these companies can get this info and you can do nothing about it. You could never touch a computer and still have your credit card info stolen. Most site are secure but nothing is fool proof. Jenn
You also have to be careful and not fax any orders either. My DH and I were producing a small movie for Lions Gate and we had to fax an order in for film, and somebody got the credit card info from the fax machine and we were notified later from the cc company that there was a charge of $11,000 from some dude in Granada!

Hope it works out for you cheeptrick.
Well there goes all my business.

I've been dealing with Paypal for years, both making and receiving payments. I've never had a problem. The only way someone can get your information through Paypal is when hackers send you an email possing as Paypal and stating someone is trying to access your account, they then have you type in your ID and password and just like that the HACKERS not PAYPAL have all of your info.

It sucks that people go through stuff like this because it makes them not want to order products online which in return kills small online business like mine.

Edited: Keep in mind that your info/identy can be stolen by any average joe digging through your trash. It's not all from internet hackers.
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