I had Internet Fraud Charges!

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i buy and sell on ebay and do lots on the net with paying bills ect. i too had that scare before it surely is not fun. about 2 years ago i had someone hack into my paypal account, i still use paypal wanna know how they do it and ya don't even know it. it's scarry how they can trick ya but honestly they can even get ur info from ur trsh if someone really wanted too.

i got an spoof email from "paypal" looked so real to a t to a paypal email but it didn't click on anything. i opened it to see what it said something about a prob with my account. well after i opened it it didn't have my name on it so i assumed it was a spoof i deleted it and went to paypal and checked it had a hidden trogen keystroke virus on it that attacked to my comp and everything i typed about paypal was sent to someone elses computer in another country. i can't remember where it was now. yahoo did not catch the virus with the nortin. paypal was fine i didn't see anything i new it was a spoof i thought thank goodness i deleted it.

later i kept getting paypal security warnings saying my account had been breeched there was a negative balance. remit payment imediately or my account would be suspended well i had like $50 in there so i thought it was more spoofs. i went to paypal to see if there was a thing i could forward them to to report them i found out those where legit from paypal. someone hacked into my account and sent themselves $850 some chinese or indenisean name my heart sank right before christmas too.

i called paypal told them what happened they reversed the charges and filed an investigation. here they found out when i opened the email it had what was called a hidden keystoke trojen virus on the email. everytime we went to paypal and typed anything it was sending anything we typed on the keyboard to another computer. they got my password went in on my paypal account and sent themselves money. we froze the bank account before it was even charged to it thankfully cause it was set up as a secondary payment to withdraw if the ballance is out it will take from there. the bank found it was a transaction trying to be made by someone in california. so what ever country was getting it was selling the info to people back in the states to use also. we also found out it had happened before for some time and they where building a case for awhile now to nail the people who did it from what the police had said. we also changed all passwords and rebooted our entire system which whiped out the virus. we notified the fbi and all that. paypal covered everything and took care of it all and never heard from anyone since so i assume they haven't got them yet. cause paypal said if so they would need us to testify in court against them.

so the moral of the story paypal will protect 100% against fraud even if they don't catch it in time, i just wish they would catch them to prosecute. don't ever open anything that looks suspicious or click on anything. if ya get something from paypal and ebay and it doesn't have ur name or username and ur email it's not from them. if it asks you to log in or give ur password or verify info it's not from them. go directly to those sites first before you do anything ebay always sends duplicate copies to up my ebay page if it origionates from them. paypal if it doesn't say anything by the balance on ur account like limitations or a open dispute ect by the balance then it's not from them either.

so soory you are going through all this i definately know how you feel and it is violateing no matter how big or small. hope ya nail them!!!
Southern, I think it's really sad that you think and so many others think the world as a big bad place and that most people are bad. What about 911... all those strangers coming together to help. In any disaster, strangers come together to help each other. I don't know if you are sad....but it's a sad thing that you, at such a young age think the world and it's people as bad. I love going out and meeting new people.... and not just from the safty of my computer!! you are meeting new people every day thru the web.....not the best place to meet people. You don't really know what we're like. Just what we want you to know. Meeting people and talking and laughing with them, that's what it's all about.
Just drop it like I said before. You don't know me!!!!!!!!!!
Edited: There are wonderful people on this site and there are hateful people that just like to argue...those are people that I don't like. I stating my opinion and you stated yours. Now let this thread get back on topic. It's rude to hijack someone's thread.
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Slowly, but surely I'm getting this all wrapped up. After putting the fraud alert on our SS# thru the credit bureaus and requesting our 'mailed' free credit reports I notified the below agencies to be on the safe side. My bank has been totally cooperating with me as is Amazon.com and Computers4sure.com. The police took the report but would not take the laptop because technically it was shipped to my home address with my credit card and an Indianapolis business name ( i called and spoke with the CEO and faxed him all documents I have that he may need ) and the police said technically NO crime had been committed and said to just ship it back to the company and they will refund the credit card company. BUT what I'm scared about it if these thieves ARE going to come collect? We called last night and ADT will be here on Wednesday to install a home security system...we were going to get one anyhow...but this just sped us up with that decision!
Amazon.com said the thieves created a NEW account with my credit card # and that they have deleted it and that flagged my credit card #...but that account has been closed since last Wednesday! The purchases were made on Oct. 2nd and computers4sure said there were actually 4 transaction attempts...but only one processed and then the credit card company caught it.
Ok...here are the fraud bureaus that you should contact if this ever happens to you. Its a lot of work...but just think how many people after you are getting ripped off if you didn't do this!
I am a good person, straight and narrow....and if I can help others and prevent this from happening by voicing my experience that I feel MUCH better about it happening to me!
Social Security
FTC http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft
I'm finally breathing after 6 days of nausea and worry!
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