I hate my chickens!! however I am starting to like them again pg 5

It's time for egg production to fall off with molting coming up and the hot weather. Normal, especially for 2 and 3 year old hens.
I have a mix of different breeds, it has been very hot here, over 100 since the temp went up about a week ago i have not gotten any eggs. Even though my hen house and most of the chicken yard is in the shade. Mine have actually been standing in there water trough. Poor babies, my husband said he's gonna go buy a fan and put out there to help keep them cool. He gave our only box fan to his dog.

P.S. Don't be made at your chickens, you don't want a hard boiled egg do you??
I hate my chickens !!!!!!!!! Thats a little harsh isn't it. Give them a break, cut them so slack. Its not like they are doing it to you on purpose. I'm sure they are doing all that they can .
no thats not harsh........harsh is plucking them and putting them in a pot because I went out there and didnt have any eggs.........that would be harsh........I didnt say I was gonna do anything about just stating how I feel
Don't feel to bad, mine are kept indoors, in the airconditioning until about 4 o'clock until around 8. They have dropped back a lot. I've got 8 laying hens, one is a Japanese Bantam, which she isn't supposed to lay much.
most days now, all I get is about 3 eggs. I agree, its probably the time of the year, hot outside, Remember, it gets to us too!
The weather around here (PA) has been all over the place. When I got my girls (who are all just over 1 year old), they were giving us 5-6 eggs/day. We're down to 3, some days we get lucky with 4. I'm placing the blame on the weather. Every one here on the farm is confused... Including me and my hubby! Give em time, I'm sure they'll start laying better again
if they free range...you may have a egg hunt on your hands..I thought my girls were slacking off and then DS found a clutch of 14 eggs today

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