country lady

11 Years
Nov 8, 2008
NW Tennessee
They are destructive little rodents, that's what they are! And I would have more to say about the little "precious creatures" if children did not read this website. Gardens and squirrels are NOT compatible!
I had them in my back porch once. They made a hole right in the wall on one of the shelfs and had babies!!
We did not use this porch much, by the time we realized what was going on, they had already made their way up to the 2nd floor!! We have moved since then.
I basically agree with you. The real problem may be that you just have too many squirrels. Using two live traps and black sunflower seeds as bait, I removed over 50 squirrels from my back yard in less than a month. Prior to the trapping program, it was not unusual to see 5 squirrels playing in my back yard at any one time. Afterwards they were still around but greatly thinned out. I even got my neighbor hooked on trapping them so he helped keep the numbers down. The damage they did to our houses and plants dropped tremendously.

You do have to take them at least 7 miles away before release or they will find their way back home. And in some states, it is illegal to relocate and release them.
Yes. they will destroy all your peaches or other fruit, they damage oak trees, tease the dogs, chase away wild birds from birds feeders,

just plain nuisance vermin.

I .22 them.
Lol, Yes I think squirrels are cute, however the damage they cause is FAR from cute. We had some that chewed their way into my roof a long time ago, however the neighborhood cat patrol has cut down on the problem
. Now that the population is reduced and they stick to living in trees, they are super cute again.
I have one as a pet. You need to handle them constantly, though, or else like all wild animals, they turn mean. I can still handle mine, but she will bite anyone else who tries to handle her. A word of advice. If you do get one, do not feed it all corn and nuts like I did. I almost killed it. They need mainly greens, fruits, and veggies, with corn and nuts ONLY as treats.
There are dozens of squirrels in my yard all the time. I haven't had any damage or noticed them get in anything but the trees. But i live in the woods. I was wondering if they could become a problem.
We trained on to come inside and sit on our laps to eat pecans. Got a pic somewhere. They are surprisingly light weight, and their feet are very warm.

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